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[ARSCLIST] For those Coming to ARSC Conference in Philly

If you check the 6 day weather forecast for Philly you will see rain EVERY day through Thursday and highs in upper 60s and lows in upper 50s. Last Monday and Tuesday were our only sunny days this month. BUT, the forecast for Friday and Saturday says it may clear up. (I hope so for Friday night's optional walking tour which will go on rain or shine) . So pack accordingly. Light jacket and folding umbrella should do it for you. I'd bring a sweater only because the meeting rooms might have air conditioning.

And while I'm here, I want to suggest that when you arrive you purchase tokens for public transport (busses, subways etc). You'll probably use them. SEPTA (our transit system South Eastern Penna. Transit Authority) charges $2.00 fare but tokens are only $1.30 You can buy packs of 5 at a time. If you have extras left over I can probably buy them from you so you won't get stuck. They are available at all subway stations.

Another reminder. The school groups have arrived and the historic area is as busy as Washington, DC now. (You won't see them at Penn Campus as it's on other side of river.). You will probably not have time to go inside and see Independence Hall or the Liberty Bell (separate buildings a block apart), during the conference. But if you are coming in EARLY Tuesday or staying through Sunday afternoon, I'd recommend going on line and reserving a tour time.

The Friday night walking tour will show you the OUTSIDE of all the major buildings and give you a lot of the area's history by a professional guide.  Reservations will be taken at the Conference on Thursday morning ONLY.

Any questions or if you need help, email me.

Steve Ramm
ARSC Treasurer


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