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[ARSCLIST] CD-R hub labels...


Anyone have an experience using those tiny labels that adhere to the
plastic inner hub of CD-Rs?  Writing on the hubs--which is ok for in-house
stuff but still kind of a pain in the neck--is a real pain when creating
CD-R copies of materials to go out to researchers, and looks pretty bad
when making copies for people who have ordered recordings from the archive.
While I'm inclined just to buy a CD-Stomper sort of thing for labeling
copies of ordered materials, I'd rather legibly type info on to a hub label
for in-house use (as opposed to master) copies and copies made for
researchers who donate their materials to us.

The labels I'm talking about in particular are Gaylord item# DY-249CL.


Any thoughts?



Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964

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