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Re: [ARSCLIST] Growing things...

I offer the following suggestion as there are a number of down sides to the
use of bleach.

A excellent  hospital grade disinfectant, Physan 20 (www.physan.com), may
be an alternative for treating the boxes.  This water based solution of
quaternary salts is very clean chemically [contains very little caustic &
is well defined] & quite potent.  It can be used as a wipe or as a fine
mist.  It is active against a wide range of organisms & is routinely used
as a  greenhouse disinfectant.

The commercial product is usually diluted 14 mL to 1 gal & I'll be glad to
send a sample to Graham upon request.

Best of luck,

Duane Goldman

At 09:14 PM 5/28/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Alyssa and Graham will understand each other, but I was quite surprised
when moving to Canada that Clorox in the U.S. became Javex in Canada...

At 08:19 PM 5/28/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I have heard that the only way to really kill mould is with Javex

------ h. duane goldman, ph.d. | P.O. Box 37066 St. Louis, MO 63141 lagniappe chem. ltd. | (314) 205 1388 voice/fax "for the sound you thought you bought" | http://discdoc.com

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