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Re: [ARSCLIST] FW: Audio archives metadata

Although at the present time we aren't including metadata in header files, I
have been researching the topic and, perhaps, can offer some references.

1) www.loc.gov/standards/mets is a website for the metadata encoding and
transmission standard (METS) at the Library of Congress
2) http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/mopic/avprot is another LOC website, this for the
Culpeper digitization project. Lots of metadata info here
3) http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/nost/isoas/ is the website for the original
NASA Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model
4) http://pacer.gslis.utexas.edu/metadata/accession/bibliography.html This
is an annotated bibliography on the subject. See also
http://pacer.gslis.utexas.edu/metadata/index.html for subject matter
5) www.Cube-Tec.com/tech_t3285_s2.pdf is a supplement to EBU 3285, which is
the spec for using a BWF with metadata. Follow this one up a level to see
information about the Quadriga system, which is an integrated, automated
"capturing" system for digitizing audio. Very interesting.

Hope this helps.

GySgt Karl Jackson
Audio Technician
US Marine Band
(202) 433-4398
FAX (202) 433-4752

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nelson-Strauss, Brenda [mailto:bnelsons@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 4:38 PM
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [ARSCLIST] FW: Audio archives metadata
> Forwarding a message from the Archives list-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Molly Wheeler [mailto:mollyw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 3:33 PM
> To: ARCHIVES@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Audio archives metadata
> Dear archives community,
> I am currently doing audio preservation work at the Harry
> Ransom Center
> in
> Austin Texas. I have a few questions for people that also do this work
> regarding transfer metadata.
> I am currently using ProTools LE and burning
> to Gold Mitsui CD-Rs; I create an audio CD (for access) and a data
> CD (for preservation, higher resolution than the audio). I have a
> database
> that creates a CD insert on acid free paper and states, among other
> things: copy creation date, who duplicated it, original format, and a
> field for other information (which side of a reel or cassette it is,
> what
> each track is, etc.), and here I also include: creation hardware,
> software, OS, bit depth, sampling rate. Each digital file that I
> create has attached to it (in the open apple i command): creation
> hardware,
> software, OS, bit depth, sampling rate. I also save each file
> created to
> my hard drive... yes- storage quickly became an issue.
> *How and where do you record the bit depth and sampling rate of the
> transfer? I can attach it as I described above, in the open
> apple place,
> but this is easy information to lose. Also, the database is
> helpful, but
> I
> am looking for a way to attach it to the object itself. I have
> considered
> a text file, burned with the WAV data files.
> *What metadata do you include? I include much, but would like to know
> what
> others are doing and why. I have approached it in terms of
> identification
> and future migration.
> *What is your file naming standard for created files? The collection
> here
> has a unique number for each recording, and I use this. This
> connects it
> to the database record and the original material (written in the
> housing).
> Do you include other information in the file name?
> *My ultimate aim is to have a way for someone in the future to know a
> great deal about the recording and its creation without
> having to search
> through project notes, manuals, etc., although these will exist and be
> helpful. (This is also thinking that somehow the case with its insert
> could be separated from the CD-R. I don't write on the CD-R,
> it connects
> itself to the databse by the unique Mitsui CD-R number found
> in the CD-R
> hub.)
> Thanks so much for your time. I will be happy to include more
> information
> if you'd like.
> Sincerely,
> Molly Wheeler
> Intern, HRC
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