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Re: [ARSCLIST] Recording 1 7/8 at 3 3/4

Thanks for all the replies to my query regarding transfer of 1 7/8 IPS
First of all, I cannot record into the computer at sample rates above 48k (I
am stuck with a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, not my choice, but that's what I
was given to work with) however, the preservation copies are being recorded
(at double speed) onto an Alesis Masterlink, which does support higher
sample rates. The preservation CDs will be made at the speed they were
recorded (i.e. double speed). The service copies are recorded directly into
the computer (also at double speed) and slowed down using DartPro98's
"adjust RPM" feature, which results in a 44.1k file. Since these copies are
for researchers and other patrons to listen to (any material extracted from
them for commercial use would most likely be either re-recorded from the
originals using higher quality equipment than I have available here, or,
worst case, taken from the high-rez preservation copies), I am not overly
concerned with maintaining absolute purity on the service copies. I came up
with a solution for the Playback eq problem as follows:
Diamond Cut Milennium's paragraphic EQ has presets for the NAB playback
curve as well as a reverse NAB curve. I take the original double-speed file,
apply the reverse NAB curve to it, then slow it down with DartPro98, then
back to Diamond Cut and reapply the NAB curve to the slowed down file. Aside
from the sample rate issues, does anyone see a problem with this method?

Matthew Sohn
Audio Preservationist
Louis Armstrong House and Archives

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