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Re: [ARSCLIST] Recording 1 7/8 at 3 3/4

On 14/05/03, Mike Richter wrote:

>>> I record as usual, then rename the extension from WAV to
>>> whatever your editor prefers for a raw file - RAW and PCM are
>> typical
>>> extensions. Then open the file and tell the software a small lie:
>> say you
>>> recorded at 22500 instead of 44100 sps. Clip off the header, edit
>> as you
>>> wish, and save as a 22.5 ksps WAV
> I open the file in CoolEdit Pro as a .PCM, give it the equivalent
> sample rate (here 22.05 rather than 44.1 ksps), then zoom to the
> beginning. The data header is readily visible and I simply delete it.
> In another editor, the details will vary but the process is the same.

This all seems very complicated. In the sample editor I use, you simply
change the sample rate and save the file. Only the header is changed.

This is quite separate from the Resampling operation, which actually
changes the data.

The program is SoundFX. However, it runs on the Amiga computers, which
are currently hard to obtain. (New models should be available in the


Don Cox

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