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[ARSCLIST] Research project on 5-inch Berliners

Dear ARSC-Listers,

Please help the researchers for this important project on the earliest disc

British collectors George Taylor and Paul Cleary are collecting details of
Emile Berliner's earliest published discs, the 5-inch/12.5 cm Waltershausen
products manufactured between approximately 1890 and 1893, with a view to
compiling a discography.

They would be interested to know of any copies in private or institutional
collections. The anonymity of private collectors will be maintained. Please
send details - catalogue number, title, matrix number (if any) - to George
(violageorge@xxxxxxxxxxx) or Paul (paul.cleary@xxxxx). Alternatively Paul
can be reached at:

Paul Cleary
WEL Cataloguing
British Library
Boston Spa
LS23 7BQ

We would also be extremely interested to know if any of the 8 cm 'doll'
records exist apart from the one in the museum in Waltershausen.

Thanks, Richard

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