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[ARSCLIST] Transfers and audio restoration...

My Doctor has finally read the riot act to me over my extended working
hours, and as a result...

I am looking for some people who can do transfers, and at least some
restoration processing, of phonograph records and/or tape material and take
some of the load off me for private client work.

You would need to have a good turntable, arm and an assortment of
cartriges/styli for coarse groove records, mostly 78's although there
are some projects that come along involving LP's also.  A preamp that can
play left/right grooves would be a necessity, as well as some flexible
equalization capability.  A means of digital workstation editing would be
a necessity.

The object is a workman-like finished CD product that can be sent to the
end client that is properly labeled (whether printed to the CD surface, or
using a "Neat-O" or similar labeling method.

If you are interested in this, and you have some experience doing this kind
of work, write me off list with your phone number and a brief outline of
your equipment and capabilities and what sort of money you would expect for
doing this kind of work, and we should talk about it.

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to phonograph and tape
recordings for consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR processes.

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