The American Institute for Conservation
The Book and Paper Group Annual Title Index
"I Was Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, What Was Your Crime?"
Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-Century American Political
Cartoonists (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- Krueger, Holly
... the shuffle of things: property, properties, and propriety, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Kruger, Annlinn
13 Years Later: Looking Back at a Bound Pamphlet Conservation and
Cataloging Project (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29
- Metzger, Consuela G.
16th - 17th Century Italian Chiaroscuro Woodcuts: Instrumental Analysis, Degradation, and Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Morenus, Linda Stiber; Eng, Charlotte; Takahatake, Naoko; Rambaldi, Diana
18th and 19th Century European and American Paper Binding Structures: A
Case Study of Paper Bindings in the American Museum of Natural History
Library, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
- Rhodes, Barbara
Abrasion of Digital Reflection Prints: The Abrasiveness of Common
Surfaces and the Vulnerability of Print Processes, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Nishimura, Douglas; Salesin, Gene; Adelstein, Peter; Burge, Daniel
Acidic and Alkaline Sizings for Printing, Writing, and Drawing Papers,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Hubbe, Martin A.
Acidity: A Review of Fundamentals, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 10 (1991)
- Berndt, Harald
Adapting Objects Conservation Techniques to Paper: Reshaping Boxes, a
Case Study, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Tidwell, Karen
An Adjustable Book Cradle Design, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
4 (1985)
- Boyd, Jane Beeson
Adoption of the Codex Book: Parable of a New Reading Mode, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Frost, Gary
Aesthetic vs. Ethics: Approaches to Remounting Asian Scroll and screen
Paintings (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Nishio, Yoshiyuki
Affichomanie: Retracing the History and Practice of Lining Belle �poque Posters with Fabric, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Thomas, Tessa; Weir, Joan
Afghanistan Digital Library: Conservation Challenges, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- McCann, Laura; Southworth, Georgia; Buchman, Melitte
The Aftermath of Arson: Packing A Freezer Trailer, and Other Tidbits,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Atwood, Catherine
The Air Bag Press at Jensen Bindery, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 6 (1987)
- Dunn, Michael Nym
Aloft in a Balloon: Treatment of a Scrapbook of Early Aeronautica
Collected by William Upcott, 1783-1840, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Ellis, Janice Stagnitto
Alternative Fabric Supports for the Dacron Lining Technique for Paper
Objects, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Cuoco, Debra; Hamilton, Heather
An Alternative Light Source for Light Bleaching in Paper Conservation,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- Perkinson, Roy
Alternatives to Conventional Methods of Reducing on Paper Discoloration
in Works of Art on Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1
- Keyes, Keiko Mizushima
The Analysis and Authentication of a Civil War Valentine, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Brewer, Tish
Analysis and Treatment of a Painting on Vellum with the Aid of a Video
Microscopy System, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
- Biggs, Julie L.
The Analysis of Degradation Products Extracted From Selected 19th
Century Papers, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Cain, C. Eugene
Analysis of Three Poultices for Paper Conservation (abstract), The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Warda, Jeffrey; Brückle, Irene; Bezúr, Anikó; Kushel, Dan
An 'Angel Project' of Dinosaur Proportions, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Tennison, Heather; van der Reyden, Dianne; Tsai, Fei Wen; Parrish, Mary
Application of Sewn Board Technique to Book Conservation Practice, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Frost, Gary
An Approach to the Conservation Treatment of Paul Klee Drawings, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Schulte, Elizabeth Kaiser; Ellis, Margaret Holben; King, Antoinette
Architectural Drawings on Transparent Paper: Modifications of
Conservation Treatments, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18
- Homburger, Hildegard; Korbel, Barbara
Archives and Rare Book Rooms Environmental Renovation: Projects at
Penfield Library (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20
- Lull, William P.
Archives Conservation Discussion Group 2009: Conservation and
Preservation Approaches for Stabilizing Large-Scale Collections, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Beenk, Jody; Kaye, Marieka; Miller, Laura O'Brien
Archives Conservation Discussion Group 2010: Working in an Unstable
Economy: Experiences and Insight on the Conservation of Paper-based
Materials in the Private Sector, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
29 (2010)
- Miller, Laura O'Brien
Archives Conservation Discussion Group 2011: Digitization and its
Effect on Conservation Treatment Decisions: How has Wide-Spread
Digitizing of Collections Changed our Approach to Treatment?, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- (Anonymous?)
Archives Conservation Discussion Group 2013: Is it Real? The Value and
Ethics of Using Surrogates, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32
- Schneider, Cher; Grafakos, Tonia
Archives Conservation Discussion Group 2015: The Effects of MPLP on Archives: 10 Years Later, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Knowlton, Andrea; Mankowski, Dawn
Archives Conservators Discussion Group 2004: Paper Mending: Who, What,
When, Where, Why, and How, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23
- (Anonymous?)
Archives Conservators Discussion Group 2005: Hazardous Holdings, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- (Anonymous?)
Archives Conservators Discussion Group 2006: Humidification and
Flattening, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- (Anonymous?)
Archives Conservators Discussion Group: Humidification and Flattening,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- (Anonymous?)
Archives Conservators Discussion Group: Humidification and Flattening,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Lockshin, Nora; Ludwig, Kathy; St. John, Kristen
Archives Conservators Discussion Group: Mold Remediation in Archives,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- (Anonymous?)
The Archives Discussion Group 2008: Sharing Information about
Environmental Monitoring, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27
- Blaser, Linda; Peckham, Susan M.
Archives Preservation Update: A Mexican Governor's Legacy, a
Conservator's Puzzle, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Klinger, Jane
Archives Preservation Update: A Programmatic Approach, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Holden, Maria S.
Archives Preservation Update: Archives Preservation Outlook: Research
and Education, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Kaplan, Hilary A.
Archives Preservation Update: Historical Perspective and Current
Approaches, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn
Archives Preservation Update: Holdings Maintenance: an Overview, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Garlick, Karen
Archives Preservation Update: Making a Molehill Out of a Mountain: The
Olmsted Plans and Drawings Processing Project, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Alper, Diana
Art on Paper Discussion Group 2013: Making Terminology Meaningful, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Ash, Nancy; Homolka, Scott; Lussier, Stephanie
Art on Paper Discussion Group 2014: Re-integrating Design/Deceiving the Eye: Compensation Issues For Works on Paper
- Ash, Nancy; Homolka, Scott
Art Serving Science: Solutions for the Preservation and Access of a
Collection of Botanical Art and Illustration, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Reed, Judith; Marder, Olga Souza; McCann, Laura
Artist Interviews as Tools for Diligent Conservation Practice, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Sheesley, Samantha
Assessment, Treatment, and Study in the Conservation Laboratory of the
Vatican Secret Archives (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 24 (2005)
- Dambrogio, Jana L.
Association for the Conservation of the Cultural Patrimony of the
Americas, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- De Torres, Amparo R.
ASTM Lightfastness Testing of Pastels and Printed Digital Media
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Gottsegen, Mark
ASTM Paper Aging Research Program, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 19 (2000)
- Arnold, R. Bruce
Barcoding at the Folger Shakespeare Library, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Blaser, Linda A.
Ben Shahn: Sound in the Mulberry Trees: Treatment and Study (abstract),
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- Driesse, Anne; Knipe, Penley; Bowen, Craigen
The Best of Intentions: Reconsidered (Abstract), The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Pavelka, Karen L.
Better Storage on a Shoe String, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
6 (1987)
- Hartmann, John
Big Paper, Big Problems: Preservation Issues of Large Format Works on
Paper (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Facini, Michelle S.; Evans, Debra
Big Paper, Big Problems: Solid Support Options for the Mounting and
Display of Large Format Works on Paper, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Lussier, Stephanie; Facini, Michelle S.
The Bill of Rights Goes to Spain, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
12 (1993)
- Glaser, Mary Todd; Weintraub, Steven; Marlatt, Ellen
Binding Repairs for Special Collections at the Harry Ransom Humanities
Research Center, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Primanis, Olivia
Blast Freezing the Berkeley Law Library Infestation, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Boal, Gillian C.
A Blueprint for Conserving Cyanotypes (Abstract), The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Ware, Mike
Board Reattachment and the Context of Use in Book Conservation: A
Decision-Making Case Study (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 25 (2006)
- Metzger, Chela
Board Reattachment Discussion, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20
- (Anonymous?)
Board Reattachment for Circulating Collections: A Feasibility Study,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Conn, Donia
Board Slotting: A Machine-Supported Book Conservation Method, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Zimmern, Friederike
The Book and Paper Conservation Program at the Academy of Art and
Design, Stuttgart (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19
- Zimmern, Friederike; Schwarz, Ingrid
A Book and Paper Group Panel Discussion on Ethics: Introduction, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Vitale, Timothy
Book and Paper Group Tips Session 2013: Contemporary Treatment--Tips and
Techniques, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Dabney, Karen; Doyle, Beth; Jamison, Jamye; McCann, Laaura; Mesmer, Renata; Pavelka, Karen L.; Smith, Shelley; Walsh, Judith
Book and Paper Group Tips Session 2014: Contemporary Treatment--Tips and Techniques
- Rainwater, Emily
The Book as Art: Conserving the Bible from Edward Kienholz�s The Minister, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Pattison, Todd
Book Conservation and the Code of Ethics, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Etherington, Don
Book Exhibition Issues Discussion, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 21 (2002)
- (Anonymous?)
Book Repair and Conservation: Conservation Center for Art and Historic
Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Ruzicka, Glen
The Book Repair Program at Brigham Young University: An Institutional
Profile, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Silverman, Randy
The Book Repair Program at the University of Michigan Library an
Institutional Profile, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Christian, Annette; Ridout, Ann; Muir, Len
Bookkeeper ® for Spray Use in Single Item Treatments, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Boone, Terry; Kidder, Lynn; Russick, Susan
A Brief Personal History of a Conservator of Art on Paper in the United
Kingdom: 1959-2003, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- McAusland, Jane
A Brief Review of the History of Sizing and Resizing Practices, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Garlick, Karen
The Brut Chronicle: Revived and Reconstructed, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Howe, Deborah
Burnt But Not Lost: The Conservation of Works of Art on Paper Damaged
During a Fire, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Mowery, Frank
Calcium Phytate Treatment on 19th Century Iron Gall Ink Documents:
Overall Summary of Research Results and Implications on Treatment
Decisions (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Tse, S.; Guild, S.; Goltz, D.; Orlandini, V.; Trojan-Bedynski, M.
Calculating the Exact Area of Loss and the Amount of Pulp Necessary to
Fill Voids for Leaf Casting Operations Using a Video Digitizer System
Developed for the Folger Shakespeare Library, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Mazel, Charles; Mowery, J. Franklin
Case History: The Conserving of a Chained Binding, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Kellar, Scott
A Cautious Approach to the Repair of Sewing, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Barrios, Pamela
Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives Part 1: The
Louisiana Purchase Documents, a Case Study, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Page, Susan
Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives Part 2: Analysis
of Laminated Documents Using Solid-Phase Microextraction, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Ormsby, Mark
Change the Frame and You Change the Game? Research and Reevaluation of
the Presentation Formats of the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen's
Paul Klee Collection, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Quabeck, Nina
Characteristics of Japanese Block Printed Books in the Edo Period:
1603-1867, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Hioki, Kazuko
A Checkered Past: The Impact of Theft and Forgery on Treatment
Decisions, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Campbell, Brenna
The Chicago Historical Society Flood: Recovery Analysis Two Years
Later, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Turchan, Carol
Chinese Papers: Their Development, Characteristics, and Permanence
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Liu, Angela Wai-Sum
Clearing the Image: A Quantitative Analysis of Historical Documents
Using Hyperspectral Measurements, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
28 (2009)
- Aalderink, Bernard J.; Klein, Marvin E.; Padoan, Roberto; De Bruin, Gerrit; Steemers, Ted A.G.
Cloth Rebacking: Using a Modified Bradel Binding Technique, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Minter, William
The Code of Ethics and Archival Conservation, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Jones, Norvell
The Code of Ethics and Manuscript and Archival Conservation, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Dirda, Marian Peck
The Code of Ethics and the Conservation of Art on Paper, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Thomas, Denise
The Code of Ethics, the Private Conservator, and the Regional
Conservation Center, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Randolph, Pamela Young
A Collection of Value: Mass-market Paperbacks at the Library of
Congress, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Evans, Clark; Stumbaugh, Colleen
Collections Conservation at Princeton University Libraries, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Baird, Brian J.
Collections Maintenance Activities at the New York Public Library,
Research Libraries, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Martinez, Jo Anne; Reeves, Marc
Comic and Cartoon Art: What's So Funny About This?, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Edmondson, Thomas M.
Comments on the Measurement of 'Yellowness' in Pulp and Paper, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Feller, Robert L.
Comparing Mass Drying and Sterilization Protocols for Water-Damaged
Books, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Silverman, Randy; Bliss, Miranda; Erickson, Harold M.; Fidopiastis,
Niki; Francl, Jan; Knight, Barry; Lively, Kirk; Neuvirt, Jií; Novotny,
Deborah; Yeager, Nicholas
Comparison and Evaluation of Bleaching Procedures: The Effect of Five
Bleaching Methods on the Optical and Mechanical Properties of New and
Aged Cotton Linter Paper Before and After Accelerated Aging, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Hofmann, Christa; van der Reyden, Dianne; Baker, Mary T.
A Comparison of Some Photo-Reproduction Techniques, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Purinton, Nancy
A Comparison of the Use of Sodium Metabisulfite and Sodium Dithionite
for Removing Rust Stains from Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 30 (2011)
- Irwin, Seth
Complexity in Creation: A Detailed Look at the Watercolors for The
Birds of America, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Snyder, Reba Fishman
Composition and Condition of Naturally Aged European Papers, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Stephens, Catherine; Barrett, Timothy; Whitmore, Paul; Mazurek, Joy; Schilling, Michael; Rantanen, Walter
A Comprehensive In-Situ Approach for the Analysis of Illuminated
Manuscripts and Drawings: Exploring the Synergy between Imaging
Spectroscopy, FORS, XRF, and High-Resolution Multispectral Infrared
Reflectography (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30
- Ricciardi, Paola; Delaney, John K.; Glinsman, Lisha D.; Thoury, Mathieu; Facini, Michelle
Computer Imaging Technology: The Process of Identification, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Jarry, Narelle
Confidence in the Bath, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Novak, Adam
Confronting Stenciled Posters: The Discovery, Conservation, and Display
of Soviet TASS World War II Stenciled Posters (Abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Schneider, Cher; Stratis, Harriet
Conservation Activities in Central and South America: Mexico, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Morisset, Denys Pineda
Conservation and Encasement: 1297 Magna Carta (abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Boone, Terry; Zinsmeister, Morgan Boyd
Conservation and the Politics of Use and Value in Research Libraries,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Paris, Jan
Conservation Experience in Working with Chrome Tanned Leather, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Lindsey, Ann
Conservation for Digitization at the Wellcome Library
- Boal, Gillian
Conservation in Action: Conservation of Mural Cartoons in the Public Eye
- Titus, Claire
Conservation in Brazil: Challenges and Achievements, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Marder, Olga Souza; Cassares, Norma; Zuñiga, Solange Sette
Conservation in the Holy Land: Book and Paper Conservation Activities
at the Bahá'I World Centre (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 19 (2000)
- Ravines, Patrick
The Conservation of a Contemporary Collage, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Norton, Alison
Conservation of Johannes Herolt's Sermones de tempore, c. 1450
- Campbell, Harry
Conservation of a Group of Early Nineteenth-Century Chinese Export
Floral Paintings (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26
- Song, Minah
Conservation of a Series of Mural Cartoons: High Hopes on a Low Budget
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Titus, Claire
The Conservation of a Thirteenth Century Armenian Manuscript, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Mowery, J. Franklin
Conservation of Dieter Roth's Snow, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 32 (2013)
- Campbell, Brenna; Gerson, Scott; Mosier, Erika
The Conservation of Historic Documents in the Archive of Bogotá, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Barón, Natalia
The Conservation of Islamic Book Pages, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Smith, Martha M.
Conservation of Jasper Johns Decoy: Mold Removal Using Steam, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Dwan, Antoinette
The Conservation of Letterpress Copying Books: A Study of the Baird
Collection, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Antoine, Beth; Mecklenburg, Marion; Speakman, Robert J.; Wachowiak, Mel
Conservation of Nineteenth-Century Tracing Paper: A Quick Practical
Approach, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Page, Susan
Conservation of Russian Public Health Posters in the Alan Mason Chesney
Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Mankowski, Joanna H.
The Conservation of the Jefferson Bible at the National Museum of
American History, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Bedford, Laura; Ellis, Janice Stagnitto; Rainwater, Emily
Conservation of the Library of Congress' Gandhara Scroll: A
Collaborative Process, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Krueger, Holly H .
The Conservation of the Omenhauser Civil War Sketchbook, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Mowery, J. Franklin
Conservation of the Original Art for World War II U. S. Propaganda
Posters, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Olson, Allison McGuire
The Conservation of Tiffany Studios Drawings: Cases of Complex Paper Reconstruction
- Molina, Marina Ruiz
Conservation of Yale's Papyrus Collection, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Noack, Gisela
Conservation Practice Carried Out on the Main Collection of the Library
of the School of Library and Information Science at the University of
Western Ontario, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Estick, Vernon
Conservator and Librarian, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2
- Etherington, Don
The Conservator as Collection Manager: Implications for the Profession,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Thomas, Denise
The Conservator as Collection Manager: Implications for the Profession,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Cohn, Marjorie B.
The Conservator as Collection Manager: Implications for the Profession,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Lee, Mary Wood
The Conservator as Collection Manager: Implications for the Profession,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Espinosa, Robert J.
The Conservator As Collection Manager: Implications for the
Profession--Introduction, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5
- Price, Lois Olcott
Conserve This! The Story of a Drawing Becoming a Photograph (Abstract),
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Eusman, Elmer
Conserving Iron-Gall Ink on Paper Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Biggs, Julie L.
Conserving Reflections of the Civil War: Case Study of a
Nineteenth-Century Panorama Box, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
18 (1999)
- Stanley, Ted
Conserving the Iraqi Jewish Archive for Digitization
- Kelly, Katherine; Friedman, Anna
Considering the Choices for Aqueous Treatments of Iron-Gall Ink:
Treatment Decisions in Light of Current and Past Research and the Case
Foundation (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Peckham, Susan M.; Young, Pamela J.
Consolidation Discussion, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20
- (Anonymous?)
Construction and Start-Up of the Deacidification Unit at Princeton
University Library, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Parliament, Robert A.
Construction of Plexiglas Book Cradles, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Blaser, Linda A.
Construction Paper: A Brief History of Impermanence, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Irving, Joan
Contribution of Mid-IR Fiber-Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy to the
Nondestructive Characterization of Artistic Prints (abstract), The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Porcinai, Simone; Picollo, Marcello; Vila, Anna; Sistach, M. Carme; Ferrer, Nuria; Garcia, Jose F.
Cooperative and Regional Disaster Preparedness, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Brooks, Connie L.
The Copy Press Process in the United States: Developments in Copy
Papers and Media from 1780 to 1940, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 18 (1999)
- Cleveland, Rachel-Ray
The Copying Pencil: Composition, History, and Conservation
Implications, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Dube, Liz
The Core Collection of the Manuscript Division at the Library of
Congress, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
- Krueger, Holly H.
Cornell University: The Department of Preservation and Conservation
Outline of Development, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Zachary, Shannon
Cross Sectioning of Photographic Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Mayhall, Kathy; Rempel, Siegfried
Cross-Disciplinary Uses for Gellan Gum in Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Maheux, Anne F.
Cruikshank on Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Stanley, Ted
Cuba Paradigms: 1. The Johns Hopkins University Experience, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Drewes, Jeanne
Cuba Paradigms: The NEDCC Experience, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 19 (2000)
- Newman, Walter; Pattison, Todd
A Cut Above: The Crayola Cutter as Conservation Tool, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Conte, Lisa; Nelson, Lisa; Sanderson, Katherine; Spaulding, Eliza
Cut and Tape: Marguerite Yourcenar's Emendations to a Typescript of
L'Oeuvre au noir (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30
- Smith, Theresa
Cyclododecane in Paper Conservation Discussion, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- (Anonymous?)
The Darkening and Bleaching of Paper by Various Wavelengths in the
Visible and Ultraviolet, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Feller, Robert L.; Lee, Susan B.; Bogaard, John
Deacidification Panel, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Price, Lois Olcott
Deceptive Covers: Armenian Bindings of 18th-Century Imprints from
Constantinople, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Khan, Yasmeen R.; Ohanyan, Tamara
Deceptive Covers: Armenian Bindings on 18th Century Imprints from
Constantinople (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31
- Khan, Yasmeen; Ohanyan, Tamara
Decision Making and Treatment of the Ephrata Cloister ABC Book, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Irving, Joan; Choi, Soyeon
Demonstration of Paper Suction Table Techniques, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Weidner, Marilyn Kemp
Design and Construction of a Support for a Folding Fan, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Maxson, Holly
Design Materials Used by Arthur Dove in His Late Sketches (Abstract),
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Tepper, Dana M.; Price, Beth A.
The Design of a Collapsible Humidification Chamber, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Maxson, Holly
The Design of a Photo Album Structure with Removable Leaves: Rebinding
Photographs Vol. III by Lewis Carroll, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 17 (1998)
- Primanis, Olivia
Determining How Best to Conserve Books in Special Collections, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Pickwoad, Nicholas
Developing a Rural Model for a Regional Disaster Planning Network: A
Case Study in Southwestern Kansas, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 17 (1998)
- Baker, Whitney
Developing Guidelines for Iron-Gall Ink Treatment at the Library of
Congress, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Albro, Sylvia; Biggs, Julie L.; Dekle, Claire; Haude, Mary Elizabeth; Karnes, Cyntia; Khan, Yasmeen
The Development of a Multifunctional Vacuum Chamber, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Polisensky, Jiri
The Development of Interventive Conservation Treatment Techniques:
Procedures for the Repair of Artifactual Library and Archival
Materials, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Stenstrom, Anna
The Development of Lithographic Cartography and the Conservation
Treatment of a Large Varnished Map, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 3 (1984)
- Holden, Maria S.
Digital Rubbings: Monitoring Bookbindings with the Portable Mini-Dome (RICH)
- Watteeuw, Dr. Lieve; Vandermeulen, Bruno
Digital Surrogates: A New Technique for Loss Compensation of Graphic
Works on Paper (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28
- Novak, Adam
A Dionysian Dilemma: The Conservation and Display of Oversized Pompeian
Watercolors at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Jamison, Jamye; Davis, Suzanne; Chemello, Claudia; Partridge, Wendy
Disaster Training: A Regional Approach, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Baker, Richard C.
Disaster, Economics Department, University of Michigan, 1981, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Craven, James W.
Disasters: What Bad News, What Good News, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Buchanan, Sally A.
A Discussion of the Conservation of "SS-Hygiene Institute" Documents in
the Archives of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Kozub, Beate
Discussion, Evolution In Inpainting, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 22 (2003)
- (Anonymous?)
The Documentation and Treatment of a Late 13th Century Copy of Isidore
of Seville's Etymologies, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10
- Quandt, Abigail B.
Documenting Library Conservation Treatments Using the 583 Action Note
Field in the MARC Record, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25
- Hinz, Jim; Gehnrich, Babette
The Double-Sided Light Bleaching Bank, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 5 (1986)
- Baker, Cathleen A.
Dry Paper Pulpingannot:Additional Papers, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Hamm, Patricia D.
Early 20th Century Pastels: An Anoxic Case? (abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Thomas, Jacob
Edgar Degas in the Collection of the Art Institute of
ChicagoExamination of Selected Pastels, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Chandler, David
Effect of Aging on an Aqueously Light Bleached, Mixed Pulp Paper, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Schaeffer, Terry Trosper; Baker, Mary Trosper; van der Reyden, Dianne
Effect of Aqueous Treatments on Nineteenth-Century Iron-Gall-Ink
Documents: Assessment Using Hyperspectral Imaging, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Tse, Season; Goltz, Doug; Guild, Sherry; Orlandini, Valeria; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria; Richardson, Mary
Effect of Aqueous Treatments on Nineteenth-Century Iron-Gall-Ink
Documents: Calcium Phytate Treatment--Optimization of Existing
Protocols, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Orlandini, Valeria
Effect of Water Washing on Paper and Cellulosic Textiles: an Overview
and Update of CCI Research, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20
- Tse, Season
Effect on Paper pH and Alkaline Reserve from Magnesium Bicarbonate
Introduced via Ultrasonic Humidification, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Curtin, Bonnie Rose
The Effectiveness of Two Cationic Fixatives in Stabilizing
Water-Sensitive Dye-Based Inks on Paper, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Porto, Stephanie; Shugar, Aaron N.
The Effects of Electrostatic Copying on Modern Photographs, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Saretzky, Gary D.
The Effects of Relative Humidity on Some Physical Properties of Modern
Vellum: Implications for the Optimum Relative Humidity for the Display
and Storage of Parchment, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10
- Hansen, Eric F.; Lee, Steve N.; Sobel, Harry
The Effects of Strengthening and Deacidification on Paper Permanence:
Part I—Some Fundamental Considerations, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Sebera, Donald K.
The Efficacy of Microchamber Boards in Passepartout for Paper-Based Art
(summary), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Schaeffer, Terry T.; Druzik, James R.; Norton, Chail
Eggs, Milk, and Fish: A Practical Investigation of Artists' Use of
Fixatives, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Weir, Joan
Emory University Libraries Preservation Office, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Frellsen, Ann
English Artists' Paper: What's New (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Krill, John
Enhancing the Lifespan of Paper-Based Collections (abstract), The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Kolar, Jana; Strlic, Matija
Evaluation and Comparison of Commercial Mass-Deacidification Processes:
Part 1: Project Planning and Selection of Materials, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Burgess, Helen D.; Kaminska, Elzbieta
Evaluation of Archival Tapes: A Preliminary Report, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Burgess, Helen D.; Charette, Carmen
Evaluation of Post-Flood Handling and Vacuum Freeze-Drying Treatment of
Archival Material: Frederick Law Olmsted National Hist, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Stone, Janet L.
Evaluation of the State of Degradation of Dead Sea Scroll Samples Using
FT-IR Spectroscopy, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Derrick, Michele
Examination and Analysis of a Mesoamerican Deerskin Map (abstract), The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Stanley, Ted
An Examination of Anoxic Color Fading for Selected Gouaches,
Watercolors and Textiles (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 28 (2009)
- Beltran, Vincent
An Examination of Lead White Discoloration and the Impact of Treatment
on Paper Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Lussier, Stephanie
Exhibit Solutions at the National Archives: New Materials for Display
Supports, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Bertalan, Sarah
An Experimental Book Structure for Conservation, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Ogden, Linda K.
Experimentation on Alternative Uses of Bookkeeper at Northwestern
University Library, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Russick, Susan; Azman, Andrew
Exploring New Ideas for Paper Conservation Treatments Using Aqueous
Solutions of Calcium Salts (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 20 (2001)
- Bogaard, John; Whitmore, Paul M.
The Fadden More Psalter: De-Watering the Vellum Text
- Gillis, John
Fifteenth-Century Bookbinding Structure in Italy and the Netherlands: A
Survey of Manuscripts and Printed Books, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Anderson, Priscilla
Final Results of the Iron-Gall Ink Project at the Library of Congress
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Ryan, Cindy Connelly; Eusman, Elmer; Krueger, Holly; Morenus, Linda Stiber; Wanser, Heather
Fire and Paper: An Examination of the Materials and Techniques of Lee
Bontecou's Soot Drawings, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27
- Owen, Linda
Flip, Flap, and Crack: The Conservation and Exhibition of 400+ Years of
Flap Anatomies, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Brown, Meg
Formal Environmental Standards for Storage of Books and Manuscripts: A
Status Report, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Banks, Paul N.
Foxing and Reverse Foxing: Condition Problems in Modern Papers and the Role of Inorganic Additives, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Bertalan, Sarah
FTIR Analysis of Coated Papers, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 8
- Baker, Mary; van der Reyden, Dianne; Ravenel, Nancie
FTIR Technique Used to Study Acidic Paper Manuscripts Dating from the
Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century from the Archive of the Crown of
Aragón, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Ferrer, Núria; Sistach, M. Carme
Fungal Deterioration of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Documents: A
Case Study of the Tilghman Family Collection, Wye House, Easton,
Maryland (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Szczepanowska, Hanna; Cavaliere, R.
Fungal Spots in a Book Dated 1854: Causative Species ID and
Distribution; and Time, Source, and Method of Contamination (Abstract),
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Florian, Mary-Lou
Funori: a Short Description, Recipe and Source, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Evans, Debra
The Gantse Megillah: Conservation of a 14-15th Century Parchment Esther
Scroll, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Grossman, Annlinn Kruger
The Glass Print (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21
- Stanley, Ted
A Global approach: Setting Up a Preservation Program at Makerere
University Library in Kampala, Uganda, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 19 (2000)
- Bearman, Frederick; Kissel, Eléonore
Gods, Kings, and Tigers: Conservation and Exhibition of Paintings and
Drawings from Kotah, India (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 19 (2000)
- Bowen, Craigen W.
Going All the Way: Achieving the Full Potential of Collaboration
between Conservators and Scientists to Produce Information, Products,
and Processes of Demonstrated Use at the Bench, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Baty, John W.; Jordan-Mowery, Sonja K.
Going Beyond Appearance: Use of Imaging Technology for the Examination
of Hidden Paint Layers in a Gulistan of Sa'di from the Freer Collection
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Polidori, Elisabetta; McCarthy, Blythe; Jacobson, Emily
Gore-Tex: An Introduction to the Material and Treatments, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Purinton, Nancy; Filter, Susan
The Great Promoter: William J. Barrow and His Role in the History of
Conservation (summary), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- Roggia, Sally Cruz
The Guard-O-Matic, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Brooks, Connie L.
Hand Papermaking in Central Burma and Northern Thailand, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Watkins, Stephanie
A Hand-held Surface Suction Device: Design, Construction, and
Application, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Varga, Lauren M.
Harvard University: Widener Library Conservation Services:
Institutional Profile, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Schrock, Nancy; Moore, David
A Hazard of Float Washing: Regeneration of Papersizing, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Cohn, Marjorie B.
Heat-Set Tissue: Finding a Practical Solution of Adhesives, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Varga, Lauren M.; Herrmann, Jennifer K.; Ludwig, Kathleen
Helpful Ideas for Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5
- Minter, William
Hierarchical Recording of Binding Structures (abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Velios, Athanasios
Historic Intent: Lodovico Ughi's Topographical Map of Venice; A Large
Wall Map as an Historic Document, a Work of Art, and a Material
Artifact, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Filter, Susan
Historic Wallpaper Digitally Remastered: Early Twentieth-Century
Block-Printed English Wallpaper in the Yin Yu Tang House at the Peabody
Essex Museum, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Vitale, Tim; Messier, Paul
Historical and Scientific Analysis on Sizing Materials Used in Iranian
Manuscripts and Miniature Paintings, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 22 (2003)
- Barkeshli, Mandana
Historical Bleaching of Ingres Drawings at the Fogg Art Museum, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Smith, Theresa
Historical Manufacture and Use of Blue Paper, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Brückle, Irene
Historical Paper Conservation: Washing with Boiling Water Followed by
Sun Bleaching, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Smith, Theresa
The History and Treatment of the Papyrus Collection at The Brooklyn
Museum, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Owen, Antoinette; Danzing, Rachel
A History of Fish Glue as an Artist's Material: Applications in Paper
and Parchment Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19
- Petukhova, Tatyana
History of Japanese Paper Conservation in the U.S. (abstract), The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Nishio, Yoshiyki
History, Analysis and Treatment of LA SALLE A MANGER AU CHATEAU DE
CLAYES, 1938, by Edouard Vuillard, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 3 (1984)
- Randolph, Pamela Young
The How and Why for Reusing Rare Earth Magnets, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Spicer, Gwen
How far do we go? Compensation and Mounting Choices in the Treatment of
Japanese Paintings, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Uyeda, Tanya T.
Hunting for Old Paper with James McNeill Whistler, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Smith, Martha M.
Identification and Classification of Colorants Used During Mexico's
Early Colonial Period, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Haude, Mary Elizabeth
Identification of Historic Pigments by Direct Microscopical Visual
Analysis (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Laughlin, Gary J.
Identifying an Unknown Francesca Woodman: An Investigation into
Diazotypes (Summary), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Hemmenway, Dana C.
'If These Walls could Talk ...': Treatment of the Crawford Dining Room
Collage, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Emprechtinger, Judith
The Impact of Training and Institutional Context on Book Conservation
Practices, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Dube, Liz; Baker, Whitney
The Importance of Differing Perspectives in the Conservation and
Preservation of Paper-Borne Materials, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 23 (2004)
- Baker, Cathleen A.
In Search of a Remedy: History of Treating Iron-Gall Ink at the Library
of Congress, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Morenus, Linda Stiber
In the Black: Ink-like Photo-reproductions on Tracing Cloth, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Price, Lois Olcott
In-Situ Repair Sewing of Parchment Text Blocks, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Spitzmueller, Pamela
Indian Colored Drawings: Modern Repair Techniques for an Album of 19th Century Painting on Mica
- Reidell, Sarah
Indiana University Libraries: Institutional Profile, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Burgess, Jo
Industrial Hubris: A Revisionist History of the Papermaking Machine
(Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Bidwell, John
Informal Observations on 'Leather-Burn', Acidity, and Leather
Lubricants, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Conroy, Tom
Inpainting/Overpainting Paper Art: Using Mixed Dry Pigments and
Complementary Colors, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Smith, Christine
Insights into the Materials and Techniques of James Castle, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Ash, Nancy; Homolka, Scott; Price, Beth; Sutherland, Ken
An Institutional Profile in 1992, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
11 (1992)
- Kyle, Hedi
Institutional Profile: Julia Rogers Library, Goucher College, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Roby, Sydney; Cunningham, Elora
Institutional Profile: University of Wisconsin-Madison, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Dast, James C.
An Interim Treatment for Paper Degraded by Verdigris, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Carlson, Lage
Introduction to Disaster Planning and Recovery, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Russell, Ann
Investigating Crayon Removal from Paper Based Japanese Prints, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Tsai, Hsin-Chen
An Investigation and Treatment of an Uncommon Ethiopian Binding and
Consideration of its Historical Context, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Paterson, Dan
An Investigation into the Prevalence and Chemistry of Crystal
Formations on the Surface of Iron-Gall Ink: The Preliminary Results,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- La Camera, Deborah
An Investigation Into the Removal of Enzymes From Paper Following
Conservation Treatment, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Andrews, Theresa Meyer; Andrews, William W.; Baker, Cathleen A.
An Investigation into the Use of Blue Copper Pigments in European Early
Printed Books, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Hagadorn, Alexis
An Investigation of a Group of Mid-19th Century French Carpet Designs,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Dove, Sarah
An Investigation of Historical Japanese Paper: An Experiment to Recreate Recycled Paper from 18th-19th Century Japan
- Hioki, Kazuko
An Investigation of Paul Cézanne's Watercolors With Emphasis on Emerald
Green, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
Investigation of Some 12th Century Chinese Papers, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Berndt, Harald
An Investigation of Some Screen-Prints By Corita Kent
- Metcalf, Harry
Investigation of the Effect of Alkali on Paper, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Burgess, Helen D.; Duffy, Stephen; Tse, Season
An Investigation Toward the Identification of Traditional Drawing Inks,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Burandt, Jan
Investigations of Nondestructive Methods for the Estimation of Gelatin
Content of Papers, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Ormsby, Mark; Barrett, Tim; Hojjatie, Barry
Iron-Gall Ink Treatment at the Library of Congress: Old
Manuscripts--New Tools, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Dekle, Claire; Haude, Mary Elizabeth
Islamic Book Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 9
- Husby, Scott H.
Issues in the Conservation and Collections of American Vernacular
Memorial Art, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Farber, Lauren A.
Jackets Recommended: The Case for Preserving Dust Jackets in Research
Libraries (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Silverman, Randy
A Japanese Painting Strip Reinforcement Technique, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Nishio, Yoshiyuki; Nishiumi, Ryo
Jean Zuber et Compagnie's Le Paysage � Chasses at Willow Wall: Removal,
Treatment, and Reinstallation of an Early Nineteenth-Century Scenic
Wallpaper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Clise, Dianna; Draper, Bryan
The Johns Hopkins University: Milton S. Eisenhower Library Preservation
Program, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Sinclair, Regina A.
Joint Tacketing: A Method of Board Reattachment, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Espinosa, Robert J.; Barrios, Pamela
Jorg Immendorff's 'Café Deutschland Gut': Consolidation with Klucel G
and the Engelbrecht Radiant Heat Source, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Derow, Jonathan P.
Larger Than Life: Discovery and Restoration of an 1878 "Buffalo Bill"
Billboard, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Schell, Laura
Leaf Casting on the Suction Table, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 1 (1982)
- Futernick, Robert
Letterpress Copying Books: Conservation and Preservation Implications,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Antoine, Beth
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2002: Mutilation,
Damage, Dispair, Repair, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21
- Hellman, Ethel E.; Brown, Meg
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2004: Ergonomics for
Collections Conservators and Doing More with Less, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- (Anonymous?)
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2005: AIC Collections
Care Task Force and "Self Preservation", The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- (Anonymous?)
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2006: The Changing
Roles of Collections Conservation II: New Workflows and New Collection
Paradigms, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- (Anonymous?)
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2007: Digitization
and the Role of the Conservator, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
26 (2007)
- (Anonymous?)
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2008: Digitization
Project Case Studies, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Reidell, Sarah; McCann, Laura
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2009: Library
Collections Conservation 2.0--New Directions--New and/or Adaptive
Materials, Methods and Technologies Used in the Conservation Treatment
and Housing of Library Collections, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 28 (2009)
- McCann, Laura; Haun, Werner
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2010: Conservation in
the 21st Century: Revisiting Past Practices and Their Evolution in
Institutional Settings, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Beenk, Jody
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2011: Models for
Educating Library and Archives Conservators, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Johnson, Justin
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2014: Options for Sustainable Practice in Conservation
- Johnson, Justin; Creech, Danielle
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group 2015: Let Me Help You Help Me: Outreach as Preventative Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Campbell, Anahit; Creech, Danielle; Keck, Jacqueline
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group: a Short History and
Summaries of Recent Discussions, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
20 (2001)
- (Anonymous?)
Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group: Security, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- (Anonymous?)
The Library of the New York Botanical Garden: Basic Collection
Preservation Care Program, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11
- Reed, Judith
The Light Album, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Horton, Richard W.
The Light Bleaching Questionnaire, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 1 (1982)
- Kruth, Leslie M.
Light Bleaching: Scientific Investigation of Various Effects on
Different Properties of Several Old Papers (abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Verborg, Marion
Light/Motion/Space: The Experimental Diazotypes of Otto Piene, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Gerson, Scott; Daffner, Lee Ann
Lighten Up: Enhancing the Visitor Experience, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Edquist, Linda S.
Line and Shadow: The Role of Ink in American Architectural Drawings
Prior to 1860, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Price, Lois Olcott
Looking Toward Developing Standards in Rare Book Conservation, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Etherington, Don
Machine Made Oriental Papers in Western Paper Conservation, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Nicholson, Catherine; Page, Susan
Made in the USA: Early American Bindings 1750-1860 at the National
Archives (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Dambrogio, Jana
Made of Paper: Robert Motherwell's Collage Materials in the 1940s
- Warda, Jeffrey
Magnesium Reconsidered, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Krueger, Holly H.
Maintenance of Asian Paintings II: Minor Treatment of Scroll Paintings,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- Nishio, Yoshiyuki
Maintenance of East Asian Painting (Examination), The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Nishio, Yoshiyuki
Making it Stick: Paste on Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
26 (2007)
- Sanderson, Katherine
Making Watermarks Meaningful: Significant Details in Recording and
Identifying Watermarks, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Nicholson, Catherine
Manuscript and Archival Collections: New Acquisitions, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Stroud, James
Mass Deacidification: Effects of Treatment on Library Materials
Deacidified by the DEZ and MG-3 Processes, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Milevski, Robert J.
Material Characterization: A Contribution to Reduce Fake Practices in
Contemporary Prints, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Vila, Anna; Garcia, Jose F.
Material Japonisme in American Art, 1876-1925, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Capua, Rebecca
The Materials, Techniques, and Conservation Challenges of Richard
Serra's Oilstick Screen Prints, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
32 (2013)
- Chan, Im
Materials, Techniques, and Visual Perception in the Graphite Portrait
Drawings of J.A.D. Ingres (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 19 (2000)
- Grant, Ken
Mending Lite, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Howard, Pam Corell
Metadata for Conservators (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 27 (2008)
- Bishoff, Liz
A Method For Making Foldable Encapsulations For Storage of Folded
Objects by Carol Paulson Crawford, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 15 (1996)
- Crawford, Carol Paulson
A Method for Temporarily Facing a Varnished Map During Aqueous
Conservation Treatment, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Rodgers, Sylvia
A Method of Mounting Parchment Using Hair Silk, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Lawson, Margaret
Methods and Makeshift, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Futernick, Robert
Methylcellulose & Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose: Uses in Paper
Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Baker, Cathleen A.
Metropolitan Museum of Art Japanese Print Collection: Condition Survey,
Computer Cataloging and Exhibition Concerns, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Fiske, Betty
Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Wellheiser, Johanna G.
Mexican Fugitives: A Preliminary Investigation of Purple in the Torner
Collection (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Watson, Robert A.
Microscopy for Paper Conservation: Comparing Various Adhesives and
Examining Wheat Starch Paste Preparation Methods, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Maitland, Crystal
The Microtopography of Pencil Lead in Drawings, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Newman, Richard
Miguel Covarrubias: Conservation of Ninety-One Works on Paper, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Couch, Randall
A Model for Humidity Control Using Gore-Tex Silica Tiles, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Perkins, Lowell
Modifications of a Basic Polyester Post Binding, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Meier-James, Barbara
Mold Outbreak at the Documentation and Information Center, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- De Farias, Jucara Quinteros
Monitoring Aging Processes of Archival Documents by Means of
Quantitative Hyperspectral Imaging: A Part of the Hyperspectral Project
at the Nationaal Archief (National Archives of the Netherlands), The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Padoan, Roberto; Klein, Marvin E.; De Bruin, Gerrit; Aalderink, Bernard J.; Steemers, Ted A.G.
The Movement of the Book Spine, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6
- Conroy, Tom
Movements in Paint: The Development of John Marin's Watercolor Palette
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Karnes, Cyntia
Multitasking on a Shoestring: Storage and Display Mounts for Oversized Maps at the Library of Virginia, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Courtois, Leslie
The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript: Collaboration Yields New Insights
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Zyats, Paula; Hodgins, Gregory W. L.; Barabe, Joseph G.
The Mystery of the Wire Loop: A Query for Investigation, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Alstrom, Eric
The National Archives C 104/3 "The Wool Sample
Books"--Conservation-Digitisation-Historical and Scientific
Research-Public Access (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 27 (2008)
- Eells, Linda; Fitzgerald, Solange; Speroni, Lara; Sutherland, Jane; Vervoorst, Juergen
Natural Freeze Drying: A Viable Option, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Eldridge, Betsy Palmer
Navigating the Portolan Atlas: Study and Treatment (Abstract), The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Rastonis, Vasare;
The Need for a Re-evaluation of the Use of Alum in Book Conservation
and the Book Arts, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 8 (1998)
- Conroy, Tom
New Analytical Trend in Testing Paper Conservation Materials: Utilizing
Miniature Spectrometers in the Lab (abstract), The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Stanley, Ted
New Directions in the Non-Destructive Analysis of Watercolors by John
Marin (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Karnes, Cyntia; Delaney, John; Glinsman, Lisha
New Insights on Disinfection of Archival and Library Materials Using
Gamma Radiation (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26
- Havermans, John; De Bruin, Gerrit
A New Material for the Conservation of Papyrus, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Lau-Lamb, Leyla
New Technologies From the USSR: Restoring Book Paper and Drying Water
Wetted Books, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Shapkina, Larissa B.; Leonovich, Adolph A.; Nikitin, Michael K.;
Apreleva, Maya V.; Gromov, Oleg A.; Donchenko, Vladislav K.; Kalinin,
Alexander I.; Sokolov, Vladimir P.
New York University, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library: Institutional Profile,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- De Stefano, Paula
Nicolas De Fer's L'Amerique Wall Map: A Look into Ethical Concerns
Resulting from Past Restoration, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
30 (2011)
- St-Jacques, Doris; Bedynski, Maria
No Leafcaster? No Problem! Using the Suction Table to Repair Large
Lacunae in an Entire Volume, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25
- Baker, Whitney
Non-Destructive Analysis of 14th-19th Century Papers (abstract), The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Barrett, Tim; Ormsby, Mark; Shannon, Robert; Schilling, Michael;
Mazurek, Joy; Wade, Jennifer; Bruckle, Irene; Lang, Joseph; White,
Nondestructive Measurement of the Gelatin Content of Historic Papers
Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
26 (2007)
- Ormsby, Mark; Barrett, Timothy; Lang, Joseph B.; Mazurek, Joy; Schilling, Michael
Northwestern University Library: Institutional Profile for Collections
Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Kellar, Scott
Not the Gospel Truth: Modern Manuscript Forgeries and the Story of the
Archimedes Palimpsest (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
26 (2007)
- Quandt, Abigail
A Note on the Use of Magnesium Bicarbonate in Hydrogen Peroxide
Solutions, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Ash, Nancy E.
Notes on a Small Suction Box, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4
- Kohler, Stuart A.
Notes on Aluminum-Walled Book Boxes: Large and Strong but Lightweight,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Minter, Bill
Notes on Coated Japanese Paper for Opaque and Sympathetic Fills, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Minter, Bill
Notes on the Manufacture of Goldbeater's Skin, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Thompson, Jack C.
Notes on the Preservation of Personal Health, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Atwood, Catherine
Observations Concerning the Characteristics of Handmade Paper: The
Library of Congress Endpaper Project 1996, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Wootton, Mary; Munn, Jesse; Wallis, Terry Boone
Observations on the Drawings of Winslow Homer, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Perkinson, Roy L.
Observations on the Materials and Techniques Used in 19th Century
American Architectural Presentation Drawings, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Sugarman, Jane E.
Observations on the Mutual Influence of Asian and Western Paper
Conservation Practices, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- McClintock, T.K.
Observations on the Penetration of Two Consolidants Applied to Insecure
Gouache on Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
- Ream, Julie Dennin
Observations on the Use of Bookkeeper ® Deacidification Spray for the
Treatment of Individual Objects, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
15 (1996)
- Stauderman, Sarah D.; Bruckle, Irene; Bischoff, Judith J.
Old Master Drawings: An Approach to Conservation, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 8 (1998)
- Shelley, Marjorie
On the Road to Cairo: Conducting Papyrus Conservation Courses in Egypt,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Stanley, Ted
One Hundred Years of Conservation Documentation at the Newberry
Library, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Russick, Susan; Simón, Giselle
One-piece Post Binding with Interior Hinges, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Schlefer, Elaine Reidy
Optical Brighteners: History and Technology (abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- Mustalish, Rachel
Optimizing Ink Corrosion Treatment Protocols at the Library of Congress
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Connelly-Ryan, Cindy; Eusman, Elmer; Krueger, Holly H.; Morenus, Linda Stiber; Wanser, Heather
Origins and Development of Dry Mounting, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Watkins, Stephanie
Outreach and Collaboration across Institutional Boundaries with the
Treatment of the De Brys's Collection of Voyages, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Hammeke, Erin
Ozalids in the Music Library: Life Before Xerox, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Avery, Nelina
Paper and Politics: Working with South African Paper Conservators
(Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- O'Loughlin, Elissa M.
Paper and Water (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23
- Bruckle, Irene; Banik, Gerhard
Paper History During the Golden Age in Fabriano, Using Illustrations
from the Zonghi Historical Archive in Fabriano and the Rare Book and
Special Collections of the Library of Congress (abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Albro, Sylvia R.
Paper Identification Database: Characterization and Documentation of
the Papers of the First Finnish Paper Mill, Tomasbole, 1667-1713, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Kecskemeti, Istvan
Paper, Pins, and Preservation: The Evolution of Wallpaper Conservation in a �Ruin� Environment, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Hoagland, Stephanie M.
Paper Splitting: A Paper Strengthening Process (Abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Dambrogio, Jana; Brückle, Irene
Paperback Rebinding at a Library Repair Station, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Frost, Gary
Papyrus Storage at Princeton University, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Stanley, Ted
Particles, Water, and the Mathematics of Conservation, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Smith, Richard Daniel
Passepartout: Properties, Performance, Packaging: Reevaluation of an
Environmental Package for Traveling Works of Art on Paper, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Norton, Chail; Furuhata, Soko
Passepartout: Stabilized Humidity Control Package, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Blyth-Hill, Victoria
Pasteboards, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Puglia, Alan
Paul Gauguin's Paintings on Paper: Infrared Investigations and Their
Implications for Three Works from the Art Institute of Chicago
Collection, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Dahm, Kristi
Performance Evaluation of Boards Containing Calcium Carbonate and
Zeolites (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Ryan, Cindy Connelly; Adams, Jeanette; Van Zelst, Lambertus
Permanence, Durability, and Unique Properties of Hanji, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Song, Minah; Munn, Jesse
Phased Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Waters, Peter
A Photo Album Structure from Philadelphia, 1865, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Eldridge, Betsy Palmer
Photo-Reproductive Processes Used for the Duplication of Architectural
and Engineering Drawings: Creating Guidelines for Identification, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
- Reed, Judith; Kissel, Eléonore; Vigneau, Erin
The Photochrom: A Method of Photolithographic Color Printing, 1998-1924
(Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Baas, Valerie; McElhone, John P.
Photocopier Hazards and a Conservation Case Study, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 8 (1998)
- Nicholson, Catherine
A Pigment Survey of Persian and Indian Paintings in the Arthur M.
Sackler Gallery (Citation only), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
7 (1988)
- Fitzhugh, Elisabeth West
Place in Wales: Reconstructing Drawings from a Sketchbook by Francis
Place, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- O'Reilly, Emily
The Planning, Construction, and Operation of a Cold Room, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Wallace, Jim
Polyester Encapsulation in Signatures, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 2 (1983)
- Ruzicka, Glen
The Populist Conservator: A Sticky Case Study, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Baker, Whitney
Positive Pressure Respirators: A Project Undertaken at the Commonwealth
Conservation Center, Harrisburg, PA, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 16 (1997)
- Smith, Jane
Post-It Notes, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Evetts, Deborah M.
The Poster Exhibit on Solar Radiation Data, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Eldridge, Betsy Palmer
Potential Applications of Isinglass Adhesive for Paper Conservation,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 8 (1998)
- Petukhova, Tatyana
Practical Applications of Lascaux Acrylic Dispersions in Paper
Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Sheesley, Samantha
Practical Applications of Protease Enzymes in Paper Conservation, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Van Dyke, Yana
Practical Considerations for Humidifying and Flattening Paper, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Watkins, Stephanie
Practical Methods for Sun and Artificial Light Bleaching Paper, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Baker, Cathleen A.
A Pre-packaged alpha-Amylase Poulticing System: Albertina-Kompresse,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Schwarz, Ingrid
Predicting Failure in Hinges: Measurement of a Lap/Shear Bond between
Japanese Tissue, Wheat Starch Paste, and Oil-Saturated Newsprint, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Baldwin, Ann M.
A Preliminary Study of Current Book Conservation and Repair in Research
Libraries: A Survey of the Landscape, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 27 (2008)
- Baker, Whitney; Dube, Liz
Preparation of Reproducibly Stained Paper Samples for Conservation
Research, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Schaeffer, Terry T.; Blyth-Hill, Victoria
Preparations to Reduce Disaster, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
5 (1986)
- Mathieson, David Fraser
Preservation Activities at the New York Academy of Medicine Library,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Martin, Susan
Preservation of Cultural Heritage: The Restoration of a Globe in Relief
from the Department of Geography, National School of Buenos Aires, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- De Grazia, Amalia; Guidobono, Eugenia; Mayoni, Maria Gabriela; Wortley, Ana
Preservation of the Iraqi Jewish Archive (abstract), The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Hamburg, Doris; Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn
Preservation Options for Scrapbook and Album Formats, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Ogden, Sherelyn
Preservation Planning in Archives Paper, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Curtin, Bonnie Rose
The Preservation Self-Assessment Program: A Tool to Aid in Preservation and Conservation Prioritization, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Teper, Jennifer Hain
Preserving the Process: Conservation Issues in the Treatment of
Cartoons and Working Drawings, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15
- Keynan, Daria
Preserving the Spirit Within: Bringing Twenty-Five Tibetan Initiation Cards into the 21st Century, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Van Dyke, Yana; Campbell, Angela
Pressure-Sensitive Tape and Techniques for its Removal, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Smith, Merrily A.; Jones, Norvell M. M. II; Page, Susan L.; Dirda, Marian Peck
Pretty in Pink: The Treatment of a Saint-Memin Drawing, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Shockey, Theresa Voellinger
Profile for the Nebraska State Historical Society, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Atwood, Catherine
The Proper Storage and Display of a Photographic Collection, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Norris, Debbie Hess
Proposed Classification of Foxing, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 1 (1982)
- Cain, C. Eugene; Miller, Barbara A.
A Prototype System to Document Book Conservation, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Russick, Susan
Quality Materials: Handmade Paper--Taking a Closer Look, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Meir-Husby, Barbara; Munn, Jesse; Wallis, Terry Boone; Wootton, Mary
Quantitative Hyperspectral Imaging Technique for Condition Assessment
and Monitoring of Historical Documents, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Aalderink, Bernard J.; Klein, Marvin E.; Padoan, Roberto; De Bruin, Gerrit; Steemers, Ted A.G.
The Ramp Mount, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Maxson, Holly
Reading Between the Lines: Would You Know Invisible Ink If You Saw It?
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Rhodes, Barbara
Reanalysis of Yellowing of Digitally Printed Materials in Cultural
Heritage Collections, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Nishimura, Douglas; Burge, Daniel; Bigourdan, Jean-Louis; Gordeladze, Nino
The Rebacking of a Photo Album with a "Tambour" Spine, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Bonnici, Louiselle; Schiro, Joseph
Recent Developments in Preservation of Works on Paper, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Phibbs, Hugh
Recent Developments in the Conservation of Parchment Manuscripts, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Quandt, Abigail B.
Reconsidering the Classification of Foxing Through Photographic and
Historic Analysis and Presenting Two Case Studies of the Conservation
Treatment of Foxed Paper (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 27 (2008)
- Hirano, Hanako
Recording Watermarks By Beta-Radiography and Other Means, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Ash, Nancy E.
Recovery Measures for Flooded Archival Materials Including Photographs
at the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Banks, Elizabeth S.
The Reinstallation of an 1830's Zuber Scenic Wallpaper at the Martin
Van Buren National Historic Site, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
7 (1988)
- Hamm, James
The Relationship between Inherent Material Evidence in Cultural
Heritage and Preservation Treatment Planning: Solving the Ptolemy
Puzzle, Part II, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Brostofff, Lynn; Albro, Sylvia; Bertonaschi, John; Spaulding, Eliza
Relationships Between Colour Production in Cellulose and the Chemical
Changes Brought About by Bleaching, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 1 (1982)
- Burgess, Helen D.
The Remaking of a Modernist Icon: Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a
Staircase (No. 3), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Homolka, Scott; Price, Beth A.; Sutherland, Ken
Rembrandt's Inks, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Shelley, Marjorie
Remoistenable Tissue Part II--Variations on a Theme, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Wagner, Sarah S.
The Removal of Leather Dressing from Paper, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Campbell, Brenna
The Removal of Secondary Supports from Works of Art on Paper, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Gould, Barbara
Removal of Varnish From Paper Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Petukhova, Tatyana
Removing Back-To-Back Labels, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17
- Minter, William
Removing Mounts from Works of Art on Paper: Case Histories to
Illustrate the Decision-making Process, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Coombs, Elizabeth Leslie
Report on the Committee on Curatorial Issues Raised by Conservation,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Henderson, Cathy
Request or Protest: Serving Historic Rolled Petitions to the Public
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Peckham, Susan
Research and Technical Studies-Book and Paper Group Joint Discussion
Session 2012: Mass Deacidification Today, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- (Anonymous?)
Research Priorities and Treatment Trials in Paper Conservation, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 10 (1991)
- Reedy, Chandra L.; Hansen, Eric F.
Resizing Following Aqueous Treatment: Current American Practice, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Henry, Walter
Responding to Biological Hazards: The Effects of Chlorine Dioxide,
Ethylene Oxide, Foam, and Irradiation on People and Cultural Property
(Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Robb, Andrew
Restoration of a 1930s Lease Document: Combination of a Traditional
Chinese Mounting Technique with a Western Paper Splitting Method, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Liu, Angela Wai-Sum
Restoration of Losses in Old Master Prints and Drawings Using the
Historic Techniques of European Conservators, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Hollander, Lilly
The Restoration Rebinding of Speculum Naturale by Vincent of Beauvais,
and the Subsequent Development of Several Options for Conservation
Rebinding Structures Based on Details Found During the Restoration, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Levy, Bruce R.
Restoring a Carte-de-Visite Album: The "Hinged-Back" of Philadelphia,
1863, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Carey, Jae
Retrieval of Paper Fibers Affixed to Cellophane Tape, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Gottfredson, Phillip B.
Revealing Francesca Woodman's Temple Project (Summary), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Kennedy, Nora W.
The Role of Electrophilic Metal Ions AluminumIII and MagnesiumII in
Paper Degradation and Deacidification, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 29 (2010)
- Baty, John W.; Minter, William; Lee, Sa Yong
The Role of Gelatin in Paper Permanency II, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Barrett, Timothy; Mosier, Cynthia
Rolled Map and Globe Storage at the Newberry Library, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Haywood, Abby
Romance Maker: The Watercolors of Charles Russell (abstract), The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Utter, Jodie
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day: Design of an Archival Conservation
Laboratory, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 8 (1998)
- Freeman, Jane Klinger
Sacred Leaves: The Conservation and Exhibition of Early Buddhist
Manuscripts on Palm Leaves, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28
- Van Dyke, Yana
Saint Bonaventure University Preservation Department, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Jermann, Peter; Frakes, Susan Mackey
Salvage of Paper Materials from the Flooding of S�o Luiz do Paraitinga
- Fernanda Modessi Auada; Cristina Sanches Morais; Ellen Maganini;
Gabriela de Melo Bakiewicz; Dyego S. Martarelli de Cerqueira; Andresa
San Francisco Rock Posters and the Art of Photo-Offset Lithography, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Binder, Victoria A.
Save The Plants: Conservation of Brendel Anatomical Botany Models, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Fiorini, Graziana; Maekawa, Luana; Stiberc, Peter
Scraps of Memories, Shards of Time: Preserving the African American Scrapbook Collection of Emory University Libraries, a Save America's Treasures grant project
- Frellsen, Ann; Norman, Kim, Methiot, Brian
Sealing Odd-Shaped, Fragmentary Paper Pieces in a Mylar (Polyester)
Encapsulation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Peckham, Susan M.
Second Generation Wet Paper Pulping, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 22 (2003)
- Hamm, Patricia D.
Seven Helpful Hints for Use in Paper Conservation, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Baker, Cathleen A.
Sewing Repair: A Minimalist Approach, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 23 (2004)
- Boal, Gillian
Shades and Shadow-Pictures: The Materials and Techniques of American
Portrait Silhouettes, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Knipe, Penley
The Shrink Wrap Project at Rutgers University Special Collections and
Archives, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Stagnitto, Janice
Similar Problems, Different Solutions: The Treatments of Two Mexican
Incunabula, Part 1: Treatment of a Psalterium, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Smith, April P.
Similar Problems, Different Solutions: The Treatments of Two Mexican
Incunabula, Part 2: Treatment of the Graduale Dominicale of Pedro
Ocharte, 1576, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Wootton, Mary P.
A Simple Method for Tinting Repair Papers, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Biggs, Julie L.
A Simple Tip for Making Working Copies of Badly Deteriorated Archival
Materials, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Eldridge, Betsy Palmer
A Simple Tip for Tearing Repair Strips--Flat, Even and Narrow, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Eldridge, Betsy Palmer
Sizing in Nineteenth-Century Book Papers, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Adams, Morgan Simms; Baker, Cathleen A.; Zachary, Shannon
Skin Against Paper: Identification of Historical Interleaving Materials in Indo-Iranian Manuscripts, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Desvergnes, Am�lie Couvrat
Small, Not Insignificant: a Specification for a Conservation Pamphlet
Binding Structure, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Silverman, Randy
So Tasteful: A Note about Iron-Gall Ink, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Smith, Christine A.
Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (SCMC) Re-evaluated for Paper, Book,
Papyrus, and Parchment Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 26 (2007)
- Baker, Cathleen A.
Solubility Parameters: Theory and Application, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Burke, John
Solvent-Set Book Repair Tissue, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
22 (2003)
- Anderson, Priscilla R.; Puglia, Alan
Solving the Ptolemy Puzzle, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30
- Albro, Sylvia; Bertonaschi, John; Brostoff, Lynn; De Simone, Daniel; France, Fenella; Spaulding, Eliza
Solving the Puzzle of Debora's Diary, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 24 (2005)
- Jacobson, Emily Klayman
Sources for Three Kinds of Weights, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 15 (1996)
- Quandt, Abigail B.
Specifications for a Hard-Board Laced-In Conservation Binding, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Espinosa, Robert
Splintered: The History, Structure, and Conservation of American
Scaleboard Bindings, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Wolcott, Renée
Spot-Welding Polyester Film: An Alternative Method, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Stanley, Ted
Spring Water and Paper Conservation, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 3 (1984)
- Kohler, Stuart A.
Stain Reduction Discussion, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20
- (Anonymous?)
Stanford University Libraries Conservation Treatment Section Profile,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Stewart, Eleanore
Storage of Architectural Materials, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 22 (2003)
- Verheyen, Peter; Davis, Carolyn; Olson, Debra
A Study of Examination and Photo-Documentation of Iron-Gall Ink and
Other Inks (summary), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Orlandini, Valeria
Study of the Aging Behavior of Rosin-Alum Sized Papers by Analysis of
Mechanical Strength, Optical Properties, and Chemical Composition
Following Accelerated Aging (abstract), The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Lee, Sa Yong; Baty, John; Minter, William
A Study of the Discoloration Products Found in White Lead Paint, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Hoevel, Claire L.
A Study of the Quality of Japanese Papers Used in Conservation, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Murphy, Sue Beauman; Rempel, Siegfried
A Study of Visual Techniques for Identification of Watercolor Pigments,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Davis, M. J.
Study on the Influence of Gunpowder Residues Found in Paper-Based
Materials, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Ku, Jen Jung; Tsai, Fei Wen
Subject and Object: Exploring the Conservator's Evolving Relationship with Collection Material, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Biggs, Julie L.; Khan, Yasmeen R.
Summary of the History of Blue Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 16 (1997)
- Perkinson, Roy L.
A Sun Bleaching Project, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Eldridge, Betsy Palmer
Superstorm Sandy: Response, Salvage, and Treatment of Rare Pamphlets from New York University's Ehrman Medical Library, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Andres, Angela M.
A Survey of Current Leather Conservation Practices, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Teper, Jennifer Hain; Straw, Melissa
Survey of Current Methods and Materials Used for the Conservation of
Leather Bookbindings, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- St. John, Kristen
A Survey of Leather Conservation Practices (abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Teper, Jennifer Hain; Straw, Melissa
A Survey of Recent Scientific Research which has Caused a Re-evaluation
of Commonly Used Practices in Book and Paper Conservation, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Kruth, Leslie M.
The Tale of the Red-winged Blackbird: A Case Study of Varnish Removal
from a Watercolor Painting, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18
- Young, Pamela J.
A Tale of Two Facsimiles: Incorporating Digital Technology in
Conservation Treatments, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21
- Heller, Dawn; Youket, Michele
Teaching Book Conservation Methods Within a Training Program, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 5 (1986)
- Frost, Gary
The Technical Examination of an Eighteenth-Century Wallpaper from the
Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 8 (1998)
- Snodgrass, Amy
A Technical Investigation of Joan Miro's Collages of the 1920s, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Mosier, Erika; Umland, Anne
A Technical Investigation of Odilon Redon's Pastels and Noirs, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
- Stratis, Harriet K.
Technical Study and Conservation Treatment of Roy Lichtenstein's Screen
Print on Plastic, Sandwich and Soda, 1964, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Verborg, Marion
A Technical Study of a Painting by Suzuki Harunobu at the Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston: Artist's Palette and Techniques, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Huang, Jo-Fan
A Technical Study of a Relatively Unknown Printing Process: Mixografia
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Norton, Chail
Techniques, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Perkinson, Roy L.
The Technology and Treatment of an Embossed, Chromolithographic
'Mechanical' Victorian Valentine Card, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 11 (1992)
- Mosier, Erika; van der Reyden, Dianne; Baker, Mary T.
Temporary Masks For Aqueous Paper Treatments, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Dwan, Antoinette
Testing and Decision-Making Regarding the Exhibition of Blueprints and
Diazotypes, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Koerner, Jennifer; Potje, Karen
Testing the Waters: New Technical Applications for the Cleaning of
Acrylic Paint Films and Paper Supports, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Keynan, Daria; Hughes, Amy
Tests on the Effects of the Use of Ultrasound in the Humidification of
Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Caldararo, Niccolo
Think Back--Do You Remember When ... ? (abstract), The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Minter, Bill
Think Oversize! The Challenge of Mounting, Installing, and Storing Very
Large Contemporary Works of Art on Paper During Times of Constraint
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Weir, Joan
Tibia Preservation in the Document Conservation Laboratory, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Kohler, Stuart A.
Tip: Dry and Moist Heat Adhesive Removal Applications, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Wendelin, Elizabeth C.
Tips & Techniques, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Mayer, Debora Dyer; Morse, Elizabeth
To Do or Not To Do: Two Examples of Decision Making for Digital Infilling on Asian Format Mounting, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Tsai, Hsin-Chen
To Treat of Not to Treat--That is the Question: Options for the
Conservation of Iron-Gall Ink on Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Hofmann, Christa; Jembrih-Simburger, Dubravka; Schreiner, Manfred;
Eichinger, Rudolf; Leopold, Puchinger; Hahn, Oliver; Henniges, Ute;
Potthast, Antje; Pilch-Karrer, Erna
A Tool for Pressure Sensitive Tape Removal: The AirPencil, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 17 (1998)
- Stanley, Ted
Training and Education in Paper Conservation: An International Team
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Krill, John; Brown, A. Jean E.
Transparent Drafting Films: Profiles for Preservation, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Page, Susan
A Traveling Exhibition of Oversized Drawings, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Potje, Karen
Treating 5000 Books at the Pierpont Morgan Library, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Evetts, Deborah M.
Treating Manuscripts from the William Faulkner Collection, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 13 (1994)
- Pavelka, Karen L.
Treatment 305: A Collections Conservation Approach to Rebinding
Laced-on-Board Binding Structures, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 13 (1994)
- Baird, Brian J.
Treatment and Housing Techniques for Pastel Paintings on Paper: Case
Studies, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Choi, Soyeon; Makin, Jessica
Treatment Considerations for the Haggadah Prayer Book: Evaluation of
Two Antioxidants for Treatment of Copper-Containing Inks and Colorants,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Tse, Season; Trojan-Bedynski, Maria; St-Jacques, Doris
The Treatment of a Storyboard from the Movie Gone With the Wind, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 6 (1987)
- Murphy, Sue Beauman
Treatment of an Oversize Rare Book: Research and Decisions on
Rebinding, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Mayberger, Evelyn; Fiske, Betty; Biddle, Michaelle; Quandt, Abigail
Treatment of an Oversized, Hand-Drawn Shaker Map, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 7 (1988)
- Hamm, Patricia Dacus
Treatment of Chine-Collé Prints, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
6 (1987)
- Petukhova, Tatyana
The Treatment of Chinese Portraits: An Introduction to Chinese Painting
Conservation Technique, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Gu, Xiangmei; Hou, Yuan-LI; Gouet, Valerie
The Treatment of Early Russian Manuscript Scrolls, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Stanley, Ted
Treatment of Folded Paper Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 6 (1987)
- Evetts, Deborah M.
The Treatment of Oversize Paper Artifacts, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Albright, Gary E.; McClintock, Thomas K.
Treatment of Persian Lacquer Bindings (abstract), The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Beaty, Katherine
The Treatment of Transparent Papers: A Review, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 2 (1983)
- Bachmann, Konstanze
Treatment of Two Nineteenth-Century Chromolithographs: an Approach to
Reduction of Magnesium Bicarbonate Deposits, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- O'Loughlin, Elissa M.
Treatment of Water Sensitive and Friable Media Using Suction and
Ultrasonic Mist, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Weidner, Marilyn Kemp
Treatment Options for Oil Stains on Paper, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Stockman, Denise
Treatment Techniques for Persian and Arabic Bindings at the Library of
Congress (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Khan, Yasmeen R.
Treatment Techniques for the Vellum Covered Furniture of Carlo Bugatti,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 8 (1998)
- Munn, Jesse
Treatment Tip for Mending "Sprung" Tears, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Bernier, Brenda M.
A Trial Terminology for Sewing Through the Fold, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Spitzmueller, Pamela; Frost, Gary
The Triumphal Arch and the Large Triumphal Carriage of Maximilian I:
Two oversized, multi-block, 16th-century Woodcuts from the Studio of
Albrecht Durer, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14 (1995)
- Stiber, Linda S.; Eusman, Elmer; Albro, Sylvia
True Love Forever: Preserving the Legacy of Norman "Sailor Jerry"
Collins (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 31 (2012)
- Sheesley, Samantha
The Tsar is Dead! Long Live the Tsar's Collection!, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Trujillo, Frank
Turning Over Old Leaves: Palm Leaves Used in South Asian Manuscripts,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Freeman, Rachel
Two New Techniques for Loss Compensation in Art on Paper: Integration
of Surface Losses Using Textile Fibers and the Use of Sprayed Cellulose
Powder To Minimize Foxing and Other Discoloration (abstract), The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- O'Loughlin, Elissa; Jewell, Stephanie
Two Women, One Very Large Qur'an, So Little Time: The Conservation of
an Oversized Early Fifteenth-Century Mamluk Qur'an, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 25 (2006)
- Rutherston, Jane; Vidler, Karen
Ultraviolet and Infrared Examination of Japanese Woodblock Prints:
Identifying Reds and Blues, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23
- Fiske, Betty; Morenus, Linda Stiber
Undercover: Two-Layered Inserts for Chromo Papers, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Studt, Mary; Fernandez, Amy; Brückle, Irene
Understanding and Preserving the Print Culture of the Confederacy, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Knight, Evan
Unearthing an 'Archeo': The On-Site Treatment of an Oversize
Architectural Drawing and Some Notes on Its Fabrication, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Price, Lois Olcott
Unilateral Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Oil Stains on Paper
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Del Federico, Eleonora; Centeno, Silvia; O'Hern, Cyndi; Currier,
Penelope; Stockman, Denise; Russell, Victoria; Tyne, Lindsey; Newman,
Jacob; Jerschow, Alexej
The Unique Story of the Kupferstichkabinett-Berlin, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Smith, Theresa
University of Cincinnati University Libraries Preservation Program, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Heidtmann, Toby
Unlocking the Secrets of Letterlocking to Reseal the Letters of John Donne and Other Early Modern Letter Writers, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Dambrogio, Jana L.; Smith, Daniel Starza; Wolfe, Heather
The Unveiling of A. J. Downing's Victorian Plan for Washington, D.C.,
1851, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 9 (1990)
- Wanser, Heather
Update on Current Research Into Aqueous Light Bleaching at the
Conservation Analytical Laboratory, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 7 (1988)
- van der Reyden, Dianne; Mecklenburg, Marion F.; Baker, Mary T.; Hamill, Michele E.
Update on Digital Print Preservation Research: What We Have Learned So
Far About the Permanence and Preservation of Digitally Printed Books
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- Burge, Daniel
Update: Remoistenable Lining with Methyl Cellulose Adhesive
Preparation, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Bruckle, Irene
Update to the Case Study: A Practical Approach to the Conservation & Restoration of a Pair of Large Diameter English Globes, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 34
- Bigrigg, Lorraine; La Camera, Deborah
Usage Recommendations for a-Amylases: Maximizing Enzyme Activity while
Minimizing Enzyme-Artifact Binding Residues, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Erickson, Harold M.
The Use and Identification of Plastic Packaging Films for Conservation,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Taylor, Thomas O.
The Use of A-D Strips for Screening Conservation and Exhibit Materials,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Nicholson, Catherine; O'Loughlin, Elissa M.
Use of Adhesives on Leather Discussion, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Boal, Mod:Gillian
The Use of Calcium Bicarbonate and Magnesium Bicarbonate Solutions in
Small Conservation Workshops: Survey Results, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- Gerbracht, Amy E.; Brückle, Irene
The Use of Fluid Dispensing Equipment in Conservation Treatment, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- Stenstrom, Anna; Reeves, Marc
The Use of Friction Mounting as an Aid to Pressing Works on Paper, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 3 (1984)
- Keyes, Keiko Mizushima
The Use of Gore-Tex to Transmit Solvent Vapors in the Treatment of
Drawings by Henry Ossawa Tanner, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
12 (1993)
- Ash, Nancy
Use of Goretex to Dry Smooth, Calendered, and Modern Papers, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Dwan, Antoinette
The Use of Handheld Computers in Preservation and Conservation
Settings, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Robb, Andrew; Drewes, Jeanne
The Use of Linen as a Book Covering Material, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 4 (1985)
- Minter, William
The Use of the Ultrasonic Mister for the Consolidation of a Flaking
Gouache Painting on Paper, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 14
- Maheux, Anne F.; McWilliams, Wanda
Using Magnets as a Conservation Tool: A New Look at Tension Drying
Damaged Vellum Documents, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30
- Jordan, Tammy
Using Tycore Board as Mounting Panel for Oversized Charcoal Drawing
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Tsai, Fei Wen
The Value of the Original and the Use of the Surrogate, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 (2007)
- Klinger, Jane E.
Video Documentary Hidden Grapes: Conservation of the Isabella Stewart
Gardner Museum's Grapevine Screens (abstract), The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 24 (2005)
- Nishio, Yoshi
A View from General Collections Conservation, The Book and Paper Group
Annual, Vol. 23 (2004)
- (Anonymous?)
Vivak: An Alternative to Conventional Plexiglas and Museum Board for
Exhibition Mounts, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22 (2003)
- Baier, Rhea
Vocabulary for Book Conservation Treatment (Abstract), The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 1 (1982)
- Spitzmueller, Pamela; Frost, Gary
Vortices and Reveries: An Innovative Treatment of Oversized
Three-Dimensional Paper Objects, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol.
27 (2008)
- Sheesley, Samantha
Wallpapers at Winterthur: Seeing Them in a 'New Light', The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Karnes, Cyntia; Ream, Julie Dennin; Wendelin, Elizabethi C.
Washing and Humidifying Iron Gall Ink on Paper: Effects on Iron
Migration (Abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 19 (2000)
- Eusman, Elmer; Mensch, Kees
Washingtoniana II: Conservation of Architectural Drawings at the
Library of Congress, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 12 (1993)
- Hamill, Michele E.
Water Damaged Books: Washing Intact and Air Drying--A Novel (?)
Approach, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Minter, Bill
Water Damaged Books: Washing Intact and Air Drying: A Novel(?)
Approach, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Minter, William
Watermark Capture and Processing with Contemporary Desktop Applications
(abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 32 (2013)
- France, Fenella G.; Castle, Margaret; De Simone, Daniel; Hill, Meghan; Bolser, Christopher; Albro, Sylvia; Bertonaschi, John
The Wax Engraving Print-Making Process: A Commercial Success, The Book
and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 18 (1999)
- Purinton, Nancy
Waxing Scientific: Exploring New Options for Wax Seal Consolidation,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 21 (2002)
- Lapkin, Rachel; Lindsey, Ann; Meredith, Virginia; Rastonis, Vasare; Russick, Susan; Simon, Giselle
Wet Treatment of Water-Soluble Media Discussion, The Book and Paper
Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- (Anonymous?)
Wet Treatments of Works of Art on Paper with Rigid Gellan Gels, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 29 (2010)
- Iannuccelli, Simonetta; Sotgiu, Silvia
What Lies Beneath: Treatment of Canvas-Backed Pennsylvania Coal Mining
Maps for Digitization, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Baker, Amy; Croft, Jean Ann; Taranto, Joseph; Welsh, James
What Treatment Means: Interviewing Curators, Collectors, Dealers, Art
Historians, and Conservators, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 22
- Coombs, Elizabeth I.
What You See is Not What You Get: Deceptive Repairs and Alterations in
Old Master Prints (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26
- Perkinson, Roy
Where Archival and Fine Art Conservation Meet: Applying Iron Gall Ink
Antioxidant and Deacidification Treatments to Corrosive Copper
Watercolors, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28 (2009)
- Maitland, Crystal
Which Cracked First: The Inkin' or the Egg? Analysis and Treatment of
Ink Deterioration in the William Bache Silhouette Album, The Book and
Paper Group Annual, Vol. 27 (2008)
- Fallon, Rosemary; Lockshin, Nora
Which ink? Which paper? Where is it?, The Book and Paper Group Annual,
Vol. 29 (2010)
- Gear, Florencia; Morales, Ana Maria; Mazza, Cecilia; Bustos, Cecilia Oviedo
The Whitening Effects of Peroxide Gels on Darkened Lead White Paint,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 16 (1997)
- McFarland, Margo R.
Who, What and Where in Book Repair: Institutional Profiles of the
LCCDG, 1992, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 11 (1992)
- Grandinette, Maria; Silverman, Randy
Yellowing of Digitally Printed Materials in Cultural Heritage
Collections, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 30 (2011)
- Nishimura, Douglas; Burge, Daniel; Bigourdan, Jean-Louis; Gordeladze, Nino
A Yemenite Taj--A Case History in Cooperative Book Conservation, The
Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 15 (1996)
- Ruzicka, Glen
Yves Gaucher's Homage to Webern No. 1: a Multidimensional Treatment,
The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001)
- Hendry, Heather