ARSC Recorded Sound Discussion List- Subject Thread Index for 06 2008

Last updated: Sun Jun 29 02:55:00 GMT 2008
144 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in
reverse chronological order
[ARSCLIST] African-American blues scholarship?,
Ian Nagoski
Re: [ARSCLIST] Quad and SACD (was Re: FBI Warning),
Michael Biel
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Quad and SACD (was Re: FBI Warning)
Michael Biel
Re: [ARSCLIST] 2009 Conference- Save the Date,
Karen C Lund
[ARSCLIST] ECPA brings its work to a close,
Ecpa e-mail
[ARSCLIST] Louisville Recordings dates,
Peter Hirsch
[ARSCLIST] Lead Belly,
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Dumb VHS question,
carlstephen koto
[ARSCLIST] Richard Dyer-Bennet Discography - request for corrections and additions,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] Citizens CIO. Asch album 349,
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Citizens CIO. Asch album 349
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] VOX 631 78rpm set data needed,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] AV Media Preservation Program - Registration Deadline Approaching,
Andrews, Kim
Re: [ARSCLIST] Do I own "TOO MUCH MUSIC"...?!,
Stephen M.H. Braitman
Re: [ARSCLIST] Too many records,
Re: [ARSCLIST] request for Decca & V-Disc session data,
David Lennick
[ARSCLIST] Beth Koelsch BAKOELSC is out of the office.,
Beth Koelsch BAKOELSC
[ARSCLIST] BSO basement tapes,
Clark Johnsen
Re: [ARSCLIST] A&R personal from 50s still around??,
Dan Nelson
Re: [ARSCLIST] Larry Kiner,
[ARSCLIST] Globe: Death knell sounds for CDs,
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] Globe: Death knell sounds for CDs
Tom Fine
[ARSCLIST] Need electronics advice for audio art project.,
RA Friedman
Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning,
Aaron Levinson
Message not available
Message not availableMessage not availableMessage not availableRe: [ARSCLIST] Quad and SACD (was Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning)
Michael Shoshani
Re: [ARSCLIST] Quad and SACD (was Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning)
Steve Abrams
Message not availableRe: [ARSCLIST] Quad and SACD (was Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning)
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] Quad and SACD (was Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning)
Tom Fine
Message not available
Message not availableMessage not availableMessage not availableMessage not availableRe: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning
Steven C. Barr
Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning
Steve Abrams
Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] FBI Warning
Roderic G Stephens
Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - 16 Jun 2008 to 17 Jun 2008 (#2008-165),
Doug Pomeroy
[ARSCLIST] 1920's microphone identification question. Sorry for cross posting.,
Connie Jones
[ARSCLIST] RIP Tony Schwartz,
Matt Sohn
[ARSCLIST] The Etude,
Anthony Barnett
Re: [ARSCLIST] Shostakovich LP Query,
David Lennick
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Shostakovich LP Query
Karl Miller
[ARSCLIST] Real Audio to WAV (2),
Jensen, Emiley
[ARSCLIST] Real Audio to WAV,
Jensen, Emiley
Re: [ARSCLIST] Real Audio to WAV
Steven C. Barr
[ARSCLIST] The Onion on CD v. LP sales,
Brandon Burke
Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - 11 Jun 2008 to 12 Jun 2008 (#2008-161),
Jackie Elgie
[ARSCLIST] Can you help with copies of The Record Changer mag?,
Steve Ramm
Re: [ARSCLIST] 2008 Proposed Amendments to Canada's Copyright Act,
Stephen C Leggett
[ARSCLIST] Cataloging software,
Ganesh . Irelan
[ARSCLIST] Caruso book,
Steven Smolian
[ARSCLIST] Brahms Double Concerto 1946-05-14,
Richard L. Hess
Re: [ARSCLIST] June Issue of Black Grooves,
Brandon Burke
Steve Abrams
Steve Abrams
Jim Sam
[ARSCLIST] Hawaiian discography,
Malcolm Rockwell
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [ARSCLIST] Hawaiian discography
Re: [ARSCLIST] Mahler records needed,
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - 4 Jun 2008 to 5 Jun 2008 (#2008-154),
[ARSCLIST] Ginny Simms Okeh,
Anthony Barnett
Re: [ARSCLIST] ^! Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ACAT] Classical Music LPs available,
Roger and Allison Kulp
[ARSCLIST] Fire at Universal Studios,
Karl Miller
Message not available
Re: [ARSCLIST] Anyone have a copy of this,
Dave Weiner
[ARSCLIST] Paul Robeson Discography,
Stephen M.H. Braitman
Re: [ARSCLIST] Paul Robeson Discography
Howard Friedman
<Possible follow-ups>
[ARSCLIST] Paul Robeson discography
Birgit Lotz Verlag
Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" paper leader,
David Lennick
[ARSCLIST] Ampex 631,
Peoples, Curtis
Steven Smolian
[ARSCLIST] Columbia Records monthly supplements,
Steven Smolian
Re: [ARSCLIST] NBC chimes and routing,
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] NBC chimes and routing
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] NBC chimes and routing
John Ross
Re: [ARSCLIST] NBC chimes and routing
David Breneman
Re: [ARSCLIST] NBC chimes and routing
Steven C. Barr
[ARSCLIST] Arthur Godfrey,
Anthony Barnett
[ARSCLIST] Commercials included in AOL messages...,
Graham Newton
Re: [ARSCLIST] Glass Records,
Marcos Sueiro Bal
[ARSCLIST] Bo Diddley, Rock Pioneer, Dies at 79 - Obituary (Obit) -,
Thomas Stern
[ARSCLIST] AV Media Preservation Program - Stipend Deadline Approaching,
Andrews, Kim
[ARSCLIST] Distinctive trumpet sound,
David Lennick
Re: [ARSCLIST] Shot in the dark music magazine request,
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