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Re: [ARSCLIST] NBC chimes and routing

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sammy Jones" <sjones69@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Shows at Georgia Public Television are 26:46, 28:46, 56:46, or 58:46, with
very few exceptions. I believed NBC shows were always 29:30, etc., but it
seems that standard was loosely enforced at best.
I find all this fascinating, and if anyone else has anything to add, please

One passing comment...!

Back in the early seventies, I was a volunteer at a "sort-of-radio" station at
Illinois State University (ours was "carrier current" only receivable in the
dorms, while WGLT, the school's FM station, was strictly classical...!).
We didn't use any "network feeds," though we did run NPR programming
which came in on r2r tapes. However, we DID run live feeds from sports
events...and those meant that neither the "remote" (at the game) announcers
or us deejays could communicate with one another. This, in turn, meant
that one's program had to end EXACTLY when it was supposed to...
since that was when the remote announcer started his/her/its "sportscast!"

Oddly enough, I have heard/seen any number of mishandled such transfers
on "major network" TV...and always felt sympathy for the poor sod who
hit the wrong button/switch/wotever and whose "goof" went out to a
gazillion or so confused/annoyed audienceites...!


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