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Steven Smolian wrote:
There was a fire at Universal Studios this past weekend. I've pasted below a portion of the artice in Yahoo. Anyone have further details?

"The fire also destroyed a portion of Universal Music Group's recordings, primarily big band and jazz recordings on the Decca label and video copies of Universal movies and television shows.

Music stored in the vault also had backup copies, said Peter LoFrumento, a spokesman for Universal Music Group, now a subsidiary of Vivendi SA. It was unclear if the recordings were originals, he said."

Universal has stressed that what was lost has safe backups. I'm not as sanguine as most since the statements had some 'soft' wording - tape backup of a kinescope master is hardly a backup in the sense meant by archivists.

Little information is likely to be forthcoming until the damage is fully assessed. If anything shows up in the local press, I will share it with the list, but I think it unlikely.


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