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Re: [ARSCLIST] NBC chimes and routing

At 6/4/2008 07:36 AM, David Breneman wrote:
KOMO had been the flagship station of a network called
the American Broadcasting Company in the late 20s and into
the early 30s that served the west coast.  Ironically, they
are now an ABC affiliate.

The originating station for Adolph Linden's Seattle-based ABC network was KJR, not KOMO. It was not limited to the west coast -- it reached as far east as Chicago and Minneapolis. The network collapsed in 1929. This is all documented in David Richardson's history of early Seattle Broadcasting, "Puget Sounds."

The confusion between KJR and KOMO is natural, because they were later co-owned and operated out of the same studios. At that time, one was NBC Red and the other NBC Blue.

John Ross

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