ARSC Recorded Sound Discussion List- Subject Thread Index for 12 2008

Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List

Last updated: Wed Dec 31 14:57:17 GMT 2008
202 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [ARSCLIST] Paris 1907-1912-2008, George Brock-Nannestad
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Stick-on cassette labels, Don Chichester
  • [ARSCLIST] Radio Dismuke New Year's Broadcast, Dismuke
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Seeking some OTR audio, Randy Skretvedt
  • [ARSCLIST] ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT: Conference Presentation Proposals Due January 5th, David Giovannoni (ARSC)
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] MELODIYA DISCOGRAPHY - was Medtner playing his 3rd Piano Concerto, Michael Biel
  • [ARSCLIST] Old-time fiddle records, John Ross
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Medtner playing his 3rd Piano Concerto], Punto
  • [ARSCLIST] Cost of tape vs HD (was: crashed disk drive recovery), Marcos Sueiro Bal
  • [ARSCLIST] Medtner playing his 3rd Piano Concerto, Punto
  • [ARSCLIST] commercial - 20th Anniversary Auction closes in two weeks, Hawthorn's Antique Audio
  • [ARSCLIST] RIAA to Abandon Mass Lawsuits, Dave Nolan
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Two questions about Deutsche Grammophon, Roger and Allison Kulp
  • [ARSCLIST] THANK YOU ALL (re disk recovery), Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] Internship Search, Ivan Kawaler
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference 2009 -- Save the Dates, Bill Klinger
  • [ARSCLIST] Suggestions needed re: crashed disk drive recovery, Richard L. Hess
  • [ARSCLIST] FYI - two versions of THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNEST (Gielgud/Evans) on CD, Thomas Stern
  • [ARSCLIST] Canadian music site, Karl Miller
  • [ARSCLIST] Conference Presentation Proposals Due January 5th, David Giovannoni (ARSC)
  • [ARSCLIST] REPEAT: Information request: Columbia DR 5335, DW 5339, Thomas Stern
  • [ARSCLIST] NAVCC Job Openings, Stephen C Leggett
  • [ARSCLIST] Pre-wax tinfoils, Prentice, Will
  • [ARSCLIST] Oda Slobodskaya, Thomas Stern
  • [ARSCLIST] March '09 AV Media Preservation Program in Austin, TX - Save the Date!, Andrews, Kim
  • [ARSCLIST] Symposium Papers Available, Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
  • [ARSCLIST] Two questions about Deutsche Gramophon, Roger and Allison Kulp
  • [ARSCLIST] Music Labels are Finally Talking About Voluntary Collective Licensing on College Campuses, Dave Nolan
  • [ARSCLIST] Looking for college glee club recordings from the 1920's, McLane, Alexander
  • [ARSCLIST] December Issue of Black Grooves, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] Britain reverses position on copyright extension, Steve Abrams
  • [ARSCLIST] Unknown 1960 Quincy Jones Paris concert, Anthony Baldwin
  • [ARSCLIST] Empty 78 album binders wanted, Roger and Allison Kulp
  • [ARSCLIST] Violin Broadcasts, Anthony Barnett
  • [ARSCLIST] DVD-R recommendations, Ganesh . Irelan
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Preservation Grants -- Deadline Reminder, Bill Klinger
  • [ARSCLIST] Clarence Cooper, Thomas Stern
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] DVD-R recommendations?, Jos Van Dyck
  • [ARSCLIST] Beth Koelsch BAKOELSC is out of the office., Beth Koelsch BAKOELSC
  • [ARSCLIST] source for recycled kraft or chipboard LP jackets?, Timothy Wisniewski
  • [ARSCLIST] Humidifiers and Playback Equipment/Collections, Jones, Randye
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] "Difference Track", anthony_tadey
  • [ARSCLIST] MLA Newsletter Task Force needs your help, Shelley, Anne E
  • [ARSCLIST] Unlocking Audio 2 conference: registration & call for papers, Prentice, Will
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC magazines, D P Ingram
  • [ARSCLIST] 35mm magnetic film as a music-master recording method, Tom Fine

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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