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[ARSCLIST] MLA Newsletter Task Force needs your help

**This survey is intended for those who read the newsletter of the Music Library Association, regardless of association membership. The Newsletter Task Force of MLA apologizes for cross postings.**


The Newsletter Taskforce of MLA has been charged with making recommendations concerning the future of the MLA Newsletter. The Newsletter is an important publication for the membership of MLA and others. Therefore, to aid in our discovery process we have formulated a short online survey that we invite all of you to complete.

The survey is available from this URL: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=X1ybOthKcIw8CP99YHyVGA_3d_3d and is also a link from the MLA homepage http://www.musiclibraryassoc.org.

We estimate that this survey should take no more than five (5) minutes of your time.

The survey will be available until December 31, so please don't delay in filling it out. We need your input to guide our recommendations.

If you have any questions, or have other comments about the Newsletter not addressed by the survey, please don't hesitate to contact me at dougan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you all for your time,

Kirstin Dougan (chair)
Linda Blotner
Jon Haupt
Steve Mantz
Renee McBride
Anne Shelley

Anne Shelley
Digital Projects Librarian
University of Iowa Libraries
(319) 384-0835

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