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Re: [ARSCLIST] DVD-R recommendations?

Although gold metallization can make a helpful contribution to longevity,
especially for CD-R, attention to the manufacturing process is far more
important. Also, the focus is always on the disc, but my experience shows
that selection of the drive and recording speed is very, very important.

See http://www.mscience.com/hispeed.html and other portions of our web site.

Jerry Hartke
Media Sciences, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
> [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Larry S Miller
> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 4:58 PM
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] DVD-R recommendations?
>   I've found the Taiyo Yuden DVD-Rs to be more reliable than other brands
> I'd tried.  With some other brands, I was having as much as 15%
> "failures," defined as any noticed visual problem not present in the
> original.  With the T-Y Premium DVD-Rs, it's down to 1-2%.  On my current
> spindle of 100, I've used about 75 and had no noticed problems.
>   This reflects only my personal usage and is not intended as any
> institutional endorsement of any product.
> Larry Miller
> >>> Matt Sohn <mahatma57@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 12/5/2008 3:03 PM >>>
> I am preparing to archive a large number of 24/96 audio files to DVD-R. I
> am looking for recommendations for types and/or brands of DVD-R discs. Are
> gold discs worth the extra expense? Any particular manufacturers with
> proven track records for reliability?
> With CDR media I have had good luck with Mitsui/MAM-A and Taiyo-Yuden, but
> I haven't done much work involving DVD-R to date.
> Thanks,
> Matt Sohn

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