Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List - Subject Thread Index for Apr 2003

Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List

Last updated: Thu Oct 04 07:22:02 GMT 2007
88 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [ARSCLIST] Are Any Overseas ARSCLIst members coming to the Conference?, Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] SAA 2003 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California - Forwarded by request, Mary R Bucknum
  • [ARSCLIST] Sheraton Room Reservation Update!, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] Backing up to HD in some kind of [relatively] reliable fashion?, Alyssa Ryvers
  • [ARSCLIST] Lacquer Disk Sleeves, Anthony Fountain
  • [ARSCLIST] Fwd: IASA Conference in Pretoria, David Seubert
  • [ARSCLIST] Dolby, Paul T. Jackson
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Registration Deadline!, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] Workshop reminder, Nancy Seeger
  • [ARSCLIST] Dolby B in software, Aaron Z Snyder
  • [ARSCLIST] If you are coming into Philly early for the ARSC Conference..........., Steve Ramm
  • [ARSCLIST] purpose of curve in shelves of phonograph record cabinets?, Nancy Saff
  • [ARSCLIST] digitalization of oral history collections, Luce Desblancs
  • [ARSCLIST] Aeolian-Vocalian-Brunswick, James L Wolf
  • [ARSCLIST] Heavily distorted signal, Peoples, Curtis
  • Re: [ARSCLIST] Nipper, John Ross
  • [ARSCLIST] Forward: ISMIR Host, Mary R Bucknum
  • [ARSCLIST] Texas Meeting Announcement, Kurt Nauck
  • [ARSCLIST] Emerson Records ownership, James L Wolf
  • [ARSCLIST] Symposium 2003 in Ottawa, Canada, Joe_Iraci
  • [ARSCLIST] FW: [MLA-L] Opera collection for sale, Paul T. Jackson
  • [ARSCLIST] ARSC Philly Conference Newsflash, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • [ARSCLIST] Conference Exhibits and Sponsors, David Seubert
  • [ARSCLIST] Symposium on Audio Preservation, Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
  • [ARSCLIST] Just a note to say hi., Jackson GySgt Karl J
  • [ARSCLIST] NPR Online April 1 joke, Farrington, Jim
  • [ARSCLIST] Fw: Realitech Cassette Tape, Adrian Cosentini

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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