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[ARSCLIST] Workshop reminder

Just a reminder about the ARSC workshop (details below). Please register
by April 25 to get the cheaper rates!


        Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
         University Suite (lower level)
        Sheraton University City Hotel
        36th and Chestnut Sts.
        Philadelphia, Pa.

        Presentations will be:

        Audio Preservation: Technical Issues Facing the Institutional
        Gary Galo, audio engineer, Crane School of Music, SUNY -
Potsdam, N.Y.
        Joseph Patrych, recording producer, Patrych Sound Studios, New
York City
        Dennis D. Rooney, independent audio producer and consultant
        Seth B. Winner, preservation engineer with
        Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound, N.Y. Public

        Designing and Managing an Audio Preservation Program
        David Seubert, curator, Performing Arts Collection at the
        Univ. of Calif. - Santa Barbara, Davidson Library

        The Sound Recordings Permissions Process
        Linda Tadic, director of operations, ArtSTOR

Workshop registration fees:     ARSC members: $60 (before April 25); $70
(after April 25)
Non-ARSC members: $75 (before April 25); $85 (after April 25)

SPECIAL OFFER: Join ARSC for $33 (dues are regularly $36 but new
members pay $33 for the first year) and register for the workshop at
ARSC member prices.

        Please click here http://www.library.upenn.edu/ARSC/arsc.html to
get registration form and send to:

Nancy Seeger
1433 East Capitol St., S.E.
Washington, D.C.  20003-1535

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