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[ARSCLIST] FW: [MLA-L] Opera collection for sale

Paul T. Jackson - Trescott Research
Information Resources and Library Development
trescott@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:trescott@xxxxxxxxx>

-----Original Message-----
From: Music Library Association Mailing List
[mailto:MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Diaz, Joseph
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 4:13 PM
To: MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [MLA-L] Opera collection for sale

I received the following message from someone who asked if I could post this
message here. Please contact Arnold Gentilezza at gentilezza@xxxxxxxxx  or
at 801.273.7408  for more information. Thanks.

Bob Diaz
Music Librarian
Fine Arts/Humanities Team
University of Arizona Library
email: diazj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:diazj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
University of Arizona Library


I am writing to you in search of information.

My father and mother were avid fans of opera and classical music.  As such,
their collection is quite extensive.  It begins with very early Edition
(1/4" thick") and Pathe recordings (16 and 18 " diameter) and ends with high
fidelity 33 1/3 RPM recordings.  There are over 5,000 recordings.  And, the
collection has been cataloged.

The collection consists of approximately   10-12% Long Play 331/3 rpm
records, 10% Edison Recordings(both single and double sided), 5% Pathe    80
rpm recordings(both double an single sided), and the balance being 78    rpm

The family wishes to dispose of the collection in a proper fashion.  I  was
wondering if you might know of any college, university or private collector
who might be interested in purchasing the collection?

If you would want further information, I can supply it to you.  I appreciate
any information you may have to offer.


Arnold M. Gentilezza

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