Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List - Subject Thread Index for Aug 2001

Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List

Last updated: Thu Oct 04 05:26:35 GMT 2007
81 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • resource: Gramofile, Paul T. Jackson
  • Affordable Library & Bookstore Lists, Affordable Marketing
  • Fwd: [Richard Warren <>], Esther Gillie
  • RE: arsclist Re: Elgar and Menuhin, Copeland, Peter
  • Fwd: Non-member submission from ["Sami Bradley" <>], Esther Gillie
  • 2001/2002 Recording Academy Grant Program, Sami Bradley
  • updated ARSC/IASA conference program, David Seubert
  • Fwd: Non-member submission from ["David Patmore" <>], Esther Gillie
  • Query re: manual vinyl pressing system, David Patmore
  • AES in Budapest., David Seubert
  • RE: 78-era label research, David Diehl
  • Get a .Sex Domain name today!, domain-names
  • Fine Art Images In Print, Dorset Norwich-Young
  • Re[2]: arsclist 78 cleaning machines., Jerry Fabris
  • unsubscribe, acchrist
  • toner, vortex
  • Whirling Dervish info, robert wasserman
  • Turntable Base, Mark Shakarjian
  • Urgent: Search for Schnabel piano roll transcription, Martin Elste
  • 78 cleaning machines., Tom
  • Input requested, John Spencer
  • Upcoming ARSC conferences, David Aidan Seubert
  • CD-R, Jerome Hartke
  • Re: arsclist Bruno Maderna Recording, svelez
  • Bruno Maderna Recording, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • Ferguson 3212, k mcbain
  • New CD longevity test information, Steven Smolian
  • Re: arsclist Analog system noise, Kevin P. Mostyn
  • Re: arsclist Studer A 807 - last orders -- comments, John Spencer
  • arsclist Fw: [MLA-L] Irving Berlin Song, Esther Gillie
  • Re: arsclist Fwd: Studer A 807 - last orders, Allan Morrow
  • Fw: [MLA-L] Irving Berlin Song, Paul T. Jackson

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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