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Re: arsclist Urgent: Search for Schnabel piano roll transcription

Date sent:      	Thu, 16 Aug 2001 19:47:16 +0200
To:             	ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From:           	Martin Elste <elste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:        	arsclist Urgent: Search for Schnabel piano roll transcription
Send reply to:  	ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Unfortunately we don't own this recording on the obscure Klavier
> label. Is there any institution or private collector who could send us
> a high quality transfer of this item? We will, of course, be paying
> all expenses (studio time, sound carrier - preferably CD-R, but DAT or
> cassette is also possible, packing, air mail postage etc.), but we
> should have the item here in Berlin by 5 September at latest. 

----- You will of course also pay for copyright clearance, if you can 
find the copyright owner in this case!! There will be payment, both 
for copying and for public performance.

Kind regards,

George Brock-Nannestad

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