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Fwd: Non-member submission from ["David Patmore" <david@patmore.force9.co.uk>]

Hello list members,

I am researchng an article on 'The Record Society', a small English mail =
order record club that operated between 1958 and 1962.

This company used what I believe was a 'cold' pressing system for =
producing its records, whereby plastic granules were handpressed into =
LPs without heat. I understand from the founder of the company that this =
technology was imported for the Caribbean, where it had been developed =
for small runs of LPs of local interest. I believe it  was also used by =
the English record company 'Topic', which specialised in folk music.

The advantages of the system seem to have been firstly that records =
could be pressed to order, and secondly that coloured discs could be =
produced, again to order. The critical disadvatange was that often the =
pressings were gritty.

I would be very grateful indeed if anyone could add any further detail =
to this rather sketchy information.

Many thanks and best wishes - David Patmore david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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