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Urgent: Search for Schnabel piano roll transcription

The Berlin Museum of Musical Instruments will be presenting a recital of Artur Schnabel performing by means of Welte reproduction rolls on the newly restored Steinway-Welte on 9 September 2001 as part of the International Artur Schnabel Symposion by the State Institute for Music Research and the Akademie der Künste Berlin.

In this concert we would love to play the following Ampico roll played by Schnabel and transferred on LP Klavier: KS 134:

Johann Sebastian Bach, Italian Concerto F major BWV 971

(Ampico piano rolls nos. 62721, 62733, 62741)

Unfortunately we don't own this recording on the obscure Klavier label. Is there any institution or private collector who could send us a high quality transfer of this item? We will, of course, be paying all expenses (studio time, sound carrier - preferably CD-R, but DAT or cassette is also possible, packing, air mail postage etc.), but we should have the item here in Berlin by 5 September at latest. Please contact me as soon as possible!

Thanks to all who check their holdings if they can help us!
Yours sincerely,

Martin Elste

**************************************************************** Dr. Martin Elste Tel.(+49-30) 254 81-132 Staatliches Institut f. Musikforschung Fax (+49-30) 254 81-172 Preussischer Kulturbesitz (SIMPK) Tiergartenstr. 1 D-10785 Berlin E-Mail: elste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ****************************************************************

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