GLOSSARY AAE Automatic Assemble Editing.
AC Alternating Current. Standard 120 V 60 cycle (Hz) USA household current. Also called LINE VOLTAGE. VTRs and cameras often use the 60 Hz as a horizontal sync reference.
AEF Automatic Edit Function. An automatic assemble editing feature found on JVC and Panasonic 3/4-inch portable VCRs.
AGC See Automatic Gain Control.
ALIGNMENT TAPE A special manufacturer's tape containing picture and sound reference signals to use in aligning a VTR.
ALTERNATIVE TV Non-conventional TV programs and production processes.
APC Automatic Phase Control.
APERTURE The lens opening, F. stop or iris which determines the amount of light that enters the camera.
APERTURE GRILL A screen-like feature of Sony Trinitron TV sets which controls the amount of electrons that hit the phosphor coating of the TV screen.
ASSEMBLE EDITING "Add Editing," A new video or audio sequence that is consecutively added to a previously edited scene.
ATTENUATE Reduction of sound or picture levels. AUDIO Sound portion.
AUDIO CUE A sound that is used to "tag" or denote an upcoming production event.
AUDIO DUB The recording of sound only, without disturbing the picture.
AUDIO HEAD A magnetic recording head that records or plays back sound.
AUDIO IN Audio input jack.
AUDIO MIXER A device that allows the simultaneous combining and blending of several sound inputs into one or two outputs.
AUDIO OUT Audio output jack.
AUDIO TRACK The portion of the videotape that
stores the sound.
AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL An automatic circuit that controls the audio or video intensity during recording.
ALC Automatic Level Control (same as AGC).
ALC Automatic Light Control. A circuit in the camera which automatically compensates for changes in light intensity.
AUTOMATIC SCAN TRACKING (AST) A system used by Ampex 1-inch VTRs to insure perfect tracking.
AUXILARY IN Audio line input (non-micro-
AUXILARY OUT Audio line output (non-micro-
AVAILABLE LIGHT The amount of light normally present in the environment.
AZIMUTH The angle of a particular recording head.
— B
BACK LIGHT The light that is present behind the image to be photographed. Can be used to create depth or it can cause severe silhouetting.
B&W Black and White.
BEAM The flow of electrons in the camera or TV tube.
BEAM SPLITTER PRISM A device used in color cameras to separate the red, blue, and green wavelengths.
BETAMAX Sony 1-hour 1/2-inch videocassette recorder. BETA-2 Sony 2-hour 1/2-inch videocassette recorder.
BLACK Horizontal and vertical sync information without picture information.
BLACK LEVEL The bottom portion of the video waveform that contains the sync, blanking, and control signals.
BLANKING The time during which the TV scanning beam is turned off and is in the process of returning to scan another line on the TV or camera tube.
BOOM A long arm or device used to suspend a microphone or camera over the action.
BROADCAST TV A type of programming and bureaucracy that produces TV programs specifically for over-the-air broadcasting.
BURN A permanent image which persists in the same position on the target of the camera tube.
BURST Color burst. High-frequency pulses (3.5 MHz) that determine the phase of the color signal.
BUS A channel or coherent group of switches, inputs and controls.
— C
CABLE TV Television signals transmitted primarily by cable instead of antennas.
CAMERA CHAIN See Film Chain.
CANNON CONNECTOR An audio plug, also called
X LR plug.
CAPACITANCE An electronic circuit that stores a
CAPSTAN A roller and rotating shaft in the VTR that is motor-driven and determines the speed at which the tape is moved through the VTR.
CAPSTAN SERVO A speed control system used in editing VTRs which assures clean edits by causing the editing VTR to reference to the playback VTR.
CARBON BACKED A type of videotape with a carbon backing.
CARDIOD A type of microphone that has a heart-
shaped pickup pattern.
CATV Cable TV.

CCTV Closed Circuit Television. Any self-contained,
non-broadcast TV system.
CHALNICON TUBE A cadmium selenide design camera tube used in broadcast TV cameras.
CHANNEL A specific band or frequency assigned to a radio or TV station.
CHROMA (CHROMINANCE) The hue or saturation (intensity) of color.
CU Close up.
CUE A warning or indication of an event that is about to take place.
CUE CHANNEL An audio track on the videotape that contains cueing information.
CUT Stop action or make an edit.
CHROMAKEY An electronic matte where one image is matted on top of another without image bleed-through (an electronic blindfold).
CHROMIUM DIOXIDE A magnetically-sensitive
coating on videotape.
CLEAN EDIT A perfect undistorted transition from
one scene to another.
CLIPPING A circuit that eliminates excessive variations in the video signal.
CMA ADAPTOR Sony camera adaptors.
C-MOUNT Standard screw-in 16 mm lens-mount found on most video cameras.
COAXIAL CABLE COAX. The standard single-ground, single-conductor cable which is used for most video connections. Technically referred to as 75 ohm Type RG-59U cable.
COBALT DOPED Magnetically sensitive coating on
COLOR BARS A series of colored bars or calibrated signal that is used as a reference for brightness, contrast, color intensity, and correct color balance. Usually generated electronically.
COLOR DISSECTOR TUBE A camera tube capable of separating an image into red, blue and green color values.
COLOR LOCK A circuit that stabilizes the color hues during playback.
COLOR PHASE The timing relationship of the color signal. The correct color phase will produce the correct color hues.
COLOR SUBCARRIER The 3.58 MHz carrier frequency that contains the color signal information.
COLOR SYNC The complete reference and control signal necessary to record and reproduce color--3.58 MHz (contains the color subcarrier also).
COLORIZER Device that produces electronically-
generated color.
COMPOSITE SYNC The complete sync containing
both horizontal and vertical sync signals.
COMPRESSION The elimination of excessive sound or picture elements that are either too high or too low. Produces a single sound or picture level.
CONDENSER MICROPHONE A high-quality microphone that uses condenser plates to produce sound. Condenser mikes contain built-in amplification and require batteries.
CONTRAST RATIO The degree of difference or ratio between the light and dark areas of the scene.
CONTROL TRACK The portion of the tape containing the speed control pulses.
CONTROL TRACK HEAD The head which records or plays back the control track pulses.
CONTROL TRACK PULSES Speed control pulses
created by the VTR.
COMPATIBILITY The ability of one piece of equipment to interface with another (interchangeability).
COSMIC INTERFERENCE Influences generated from sources not normally perceived by the senses.
CRT Cathode Ray Tube. The vacuum tube used in all TV sets.
CROP The cutting off of picture elements by the camera framing.
CROSSTALK The undesirable interference created by one track on another.
CRYSTAL SYNC GENERATOR A high-quality sync generator.
— D — db See decibel.
DC Direct Current. Electrical current that maintains a steady flow and does not alternate.
DC RESTORATION A circuit in a camera or VTR which restores the DC signal elements to the picture, resulting in good blacks.
DECIBEL A subjective measure of sound volume or strength.
DEFINITION The degree of detail or sharpness in a TV picture.
DEPTH OF FIELD The area of the picture between the closest and the farthest objects that are in focus--varies with the F stop.
DICHROIC MIRROR A mirror that reflects only certain wavelengths or colors and allows others to pass through it.
DIN Deutsche Industrie-Norm. German standard for plugs and connectors--4-Pin and 6-Pin plugs.
DIRECT COLOR PROCESS A method of color recording used by high-band broadcast VTRs whereby the color can be recorded directly.
DIRECTIONAL A narrow pickup pattern used by
DISSOLVE The gradual fading in of one picture while the other fades out.
DOLLY The movement of a camera toward or away from an object. Also the wheeled apparatus on which the camera is mounted.
DROPOUT A loss of picture signal during tape playback--displays as a black or white streak in the monitor.

DROPOUT COMPENSATOR (DOC). An electronic circuit that replaces a missing line of video information (dropout).
DUBBING The duplication of a videotape or the addition of new audio information to the tape.
— E —ECU Extreme Close Up.
EDITING The process of putting into a predetermined
sequence the various segments of master tapes.
E FP Electronic Field Production.
EIA Electronic Industries Association. The American TV standards committee.
EIA SYNC Also called EIA RS-170, the standard
broadcast sync.
EIAJ The Electronic Industries Association of Japan. The Japanese standards committee which set standards for'/2-inch helical scan videotape recorders.
EIAJ TYPE I The standard for'/2-inch helical scan reel-to-reel VTRs manufactured after 1969.
EJ Electronic Journalism.
ELECTRONIC EDITING The process whereby a videotape is edited.
ELECTRON GUN The assembly inside the TV or camera tube which fires electrons at the face of the tube and performs the scanning process.
ELECTRET CONDENSER MICROPHONE A very sensitive microphone that requires a power supply in the microphone and needs a battery.
ELECTROSTATIC FOCUS A newer type of camera tube that is able to focus the electron beam without using heavy deflection coils.
ENCODING The combining of electronic elements. ENG Electronic Newsgathering.
ERASE HEAD A magnetic head that erases electronic information on the tape.
E TO E Electronics to Electronics; a method of analyzing the output of a VTR relative to its input.
ETV Educational Television.
EXTENDED PLAY TAPES Tapes that are longer than usual.
— F
FADE A gradual change in the picture or sound intensity.
FADE TO BLACK The picture is faded out until the screen is dark.
FERRITE A brittle, high frequency response material that is used to make video heads.
FIELD One half of a complete TV scanning cycle, or 262'/2 scanning lines; one half of a 525-line TV frame.
FILM CHAIN An optical system whereby an image from a film or slide projector is transferred to a video camera for use in a television system.
FIRST GENERATION The original recording or
master tape.
FLAGGING Skew induced distortion produced at the top of the playback picture.
FLUID HEAD TRIPOD A tripod head that moves very smoothly.
FOCAL LENGTH The distance between the center of a lens and where the image is in focus, usually the image plane or the camera tube's target plate.
FOCUS COIL An electromagnetic coil that surrounds
the camera tube and focuses the electron beam.
FOLLOW FOCUS The continual adjustment of a lens to keep the subject in focus when the subject and/or the lens are moving.
FOOTCANDLE FT-c; generally measured in LUMENS per square foot. The amount of illumination from 1 international candle falling on a 1-square-foot surface at a distance of 1 foot.
FORMAT A limited grouping of similar VTRs, such as in 14-inch and 3/4-inch or small-format and large-format.
FRAME A complete TV picture of 525 horizontal lines which is composed of 2 scanned fields of 2621/2 lines each. One complete TV frame is scanned in 1/30th of a second.
FRAME RATE The speed at which the frames are
scanned--30 frames a second for video.
FREQUENCY The number of times a signal vibrates per second.
FREQUENCY RESPONSE The ability of an electronic
device to reproduce a wide range of frequencies.
F-STOP A calibration on the lens that indicates the
width of the opening of the lens iris.
FLYING ERASE HEAD An extra video head which erases video information during the editing process.
— G
GAIN The level of signal amplification. GEL CELL A lead gelled acid battery.
GENERATION The number of copies away from the original.
GEN LOCK The locking up of the sync generators of one or several sources to a main sync source; i.e., a VTR locked up to an SEG.
GLITCH Any picture distortion.
GRAY SCALE The various shades of gray in a TV picture which correspond to color.
GUARDBANDS The separations between the video
tracks on the tape.

HEAD An electromagnetic device that records or re-
trieves information from magnetic tape.
HELICAL SCAN A helix-like method of recording video information on tape in which the signal is recorded diagonally in adjacent strips. Also called SLANT TRACK recording.
HERTZ (Hz) Cycles per second.
HETERODYNE COLOR PROCESS A method of reduction color recording used by small-format VTRs.
HIGH BAND A method or recording that utilizes very high frequency response characteristics--5 MHz-8 MHz.
HIGH DENSITY Videotape that packs more magnetic particles per square inch on the tape.
HIGH IMPEDANCE (HI-Z), 800-10,000 ohms. See
HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION The number of vertical lines that can be perceived by a video camera in a horizontal direction on a test chart.
HORIZONTAL SYNC The sync pulses that control the horizontal scanning of the electron beam--generally 15.73 kHz.
HPF Hot Pressed Ferrite.
— I —IC Integrated Circuit.
IMAGE ENHANCER An electronic device that sharpens the picture.
IMAGE PLANE The point at which the image is fo-
cused—generally at the camera tube target plate.
IMAGE RETENTION "Lag;" the tendency of the
Vidicon tube to retain the image.
IMPEDANCE The resistance of a component to the flow of electrons--rated in ohms (1). Generally expressed as high impedance (hi-Z) or low impedance (low-Z).
INDEX ELECTRODE Part of the color derivation system used inside the Sony Trinicon tube.
INSERT EDIT The addition of new video and/or audio information into any point of a pre-existing video program.
INSTANT VIDEO CONFIDENCE A feature of IVC finch VTRs that permits immediate tape monitoring.
INTERLACE The process of scanning whereby the alternate lines of both scanned fields fall evenly between each other.
INTERNAL INTELLIGENCE The inherent energy-
bonding pattern present in all matter.
I PS Inches Per Second--Tape speed or writing speed,
IRIS The adjustable opening on the lens which controls the amount of light entering the camera.
J— JACK A plug or connector.
JOY STICK A lever that controls the position of a special effect on a screen, or the motion of tape on a VTR during the editing process.
— K
KELVIN (K) The unit of measurement which denotes the temperature of light--ex pressed in °K.
KEYING The matteing of one picture over another,
KEY LIGHT The light used for primary illumination of a scene.
KILOHERZ (KHz) Thousand cycles.
KINESCOPE "Kine;" the process of recording a TV picture by photographing a TV set with a film camera.
— L —LAG See Image Retention.
LAP DISSOLVE See Dissolve.
LARGE FORMAT Video equipment that uses very
large videotape such as 2-inch.
LAVALIER MIKE A small microphone worn around the neck.
LED Light Emitting Diode.
LENS SPEED The ability of the lens to collect light A
"fast" lens collects more light than a "slow" one.
LEVEL The average intensity of an audio or video
LIGHT LEVEL The intensity of the light as measured in footcandles.
LIMITER An electronic circuit which adjusts or limits the audio or video intensity to a preset level.
LINE FREQUENCY The number of horizontal lines
scanned in one second--15,750 lines or 15.7 kHz.
LINE IN An audio input for other VTRs or an audio mixer.
LINE LEVEL 600 ohms; a low inpedance signal. LINE OUT Audio output.
LIP SYNC The process whereby the picture of a person's lips matches the sound of his voice.

LIVE The process of transmitting a program the instant it is taking place.
LOCK OUT LOGIC An electronic circuit which prevents the improper sequencing of controls.
LONG LENS A telephoto lens.
LONG SHOT A shot from a great distance.
LOW BAND A reduced frequency recording--less than 4 or 5 MHz.
LOW IMPEDANCE 30 to 600ohms--see Impedance. LOW LIGHT Subdued illumination.
LUMEN See Footcandle.
LUMINANCE The photometric brightness or radiance of a light source.
LUX An old-fashioned measurement of light. One Ft-c =10.76 lux.
MACRO LENS A lens that is capable of close-up
MAGNETIC FOCUS-MAGNETIC DEFLECTION A tube-focusing design that requires external focusing coils.
MATCHING TRANSFORMER A device which changes the impedance of the audio or TV signal.
MATRIX An electronic circuit that is used to combine several electronic signals.
MATTE An effect or device which blocks out an adjacent signal or light.
MEDIUM SHOT The camera view between a close up and a long shot.
MEGAHERTZ (MHz) Million Hertz.
MICRON A unit of measurement used for denoting
videotape width, 1 MICRON= 25.4 MI Ls.
MIL A unit of measurement used for denoting videotape width, 1MI L= .001 inch.
MINI-PLUG A small audio plug, sometimes called a
Sony plug.
MISTRACKING The picture distortion caused by improper tape-to-head or tape-path contact.
MIXED FIELD (MF). A method used by the Sony Trinicon color camera tube to derive color.
MIXER A device that combines and blends 2 or more audio or video sources.
MODULATION The process of adding video and audio signals to a predetermined carrier frequency.
MOIRE Herringbone interference patterns in a TV
MONITOR A TV set without receiving circuitry that is used primarily to display video signals.
MONITOR/RECEIVER A dual function standard TV receiver and monitor.
MONOCHROME Black and white.
MULTIPLEXER A system of optics that allows simultaneous use of slide and film projectors as inputs for a video camera.
NEUTRAL DENSITY FILTER A filter that reduces the amount of light entering a camera without affecting the color.
NEWVICON TUBE A Panasonic camera tube which has
very good sharpness and low light characteristics.
NI-CAD Nickel Cadmium battery.
NOISE Random undesirable picture or sound inter-
NON-COMPOSITE VIDEO SIGNAL A video signal that contains picture and blanking information only, no sync.
NON-SEGMENTED A system of recording that uses 1 head to scan 1 field of video information on the tape.
NTSC National TV System Committee--USA color TV standard.
0 —OCTOPUS CABLE Multi-plug dubbing cable.
OERSTEADS OF COERCIVITY The measurement of the ability of videotape to store information.
OMNI-DIRECTIONAL A microphone pickup pattern that is sensitive to sounds coming from all directions.
ONE LINE DELAY See Drop Out Compensator.
OSCILLOSCOPE An electronic test device that measures electronic signals. It is used for alignment of video equipment.
OUT Cessation of sound or music.
OXIDE The magnetic particles that are bonded on the tape.
PAL Phase Alternation Line--The British-German color TV standard.
PAN The movement of the camera horizontally. PEAKS The highest level of signal strength.
PEDESTAL The blackest portions of the electronic
PHASE The relative timing of one signal to another.
PHONE PLUG An audio plug with 1/4 -inch wide connector shaft.
PHONO PLUG RCA audio plug.
PICKUP TUBE The electron tube in the camera or TV set.
PLUMBICON TUBE A high quality broadcast TV color camera tube manufactured by the Philips Company which features a lead oxide design.
POLARITY The positive and negative orientation of a signal.
PORTAPAK A portable video system.
POST PRODUCTION The editing phase of TV program production.

PRE-AMPLIFIER An electronic circuit which raises the
signals high enough to be fed into an amplifier.
PRE-PRODUCTION Preparation activity that occurs
prior to actual shooting.
PRE-ROLL The process of backing-up tapes and VTRs in preparation for an edit.
PROCESSING AMPLIFIER An electronic device which stabilizes and rebuilds signals.
PROGRAMMER An electronic control circuit or a computer used in conjunction with editing VCRs to facilitate precise editing.
PULSE CROSS DISPLAY The display of the edges of the TV image on a monitor.
that strengthens the sync, as well as other signals.
Q —
QUADRUPLEX A video recording system that uses 4 video heads and scans the tape at a 90° angle.
QUARTZ LIGHTING Very bright and efficient
RACK MOUNTING The method of mounting equipment in a 19-inch wide standard metal rack.
RANDOM INTERLACE An unstable type of sync which allows the 2 scanning fields to fall randomly on top of each other.
RASTER The scanned or illuminated area of the TV
picture tube.
RBG Red, Blue and Green or chrominance signal.
REGISTRATION The overlapping of the red, blue, and
green signals to form a correctly colored image.
REMOTE Any program originating outside the studio.
RESOLUTION The amount of resolvable detail in a
RETROFOCUS A lens with close-up focusing ability.
RF Radio Frequency; the range of frequencies used to transmit electric waves.
RF ADAPTOR A device that allows video and audio signals from a VTR to play back on a standard TV set.
RF AMPLIFIER An amplifier used for amplifying RF signals.
ROTARY ERASE HEAD See Flying Erase Head.
ROTARY TRANSFORMER A brushless method of transferring video signals from the rotating video heads to the VTR electronics.
RPM Revolutions Per Minute. — S —
SATICON TUBE An arsenic tellurium design camera tube used in broadcast TV cameras.
SATURATION The intensity of the color.
SCANNER The video head drum.
SCANNING The horizontal and vertical movement of the electron beam in the camera or TV tube.
SECAM Sequential Couleur a Memoire; the French color TV system.
SECOND GENERATION See Generation. SEG Special Effects Generator.
SEGMENTED SCAN RECORDING A system of recording that uses 1 video head to scan both fields of video information.
SEPARATE MESH A fine mesh screen located inside the Vidicon tube which helps control the target-area scanning.
SHADOW MASK A large screen containing half a million holes which helps focus the color electron beams inside a color TV set.
SHOOTING RATIO The amount of tape recorded relative to the amount of tape actually used.
SIGNAL Information transposed into electrical
SIGNAL READOUT ELECTRODES A device used inside the Sony Trinicon tube to derive the color signals.
SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO The amount of visible "snow or noise" in a given picture relative to the actual picture signal. The higher the signal-to noise ratio, the better the picture.
SKEW The tape tension.
SKIP FIELD RECORDING A recording process whereby only one field is reproduced twice instead of reproducing both fields and interlacing them.
SLANT TRACK See Helical Scan.
SLIP RINGS Physical or mechanical means of transferring the video signal from the video head to the VTR electronics.
SMALL-FORMAT The small width videotape equip-
ment such as 1/4-inch, 3/4-inch, 3/4-inch and 1-inch.
SMPTE The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. A standards setting committee.
SOLENOID An electromagnetic circuit control system.
SOLID STATE Electronic circuitry that contains no
vacuum tubes.
SPECIAL EFFECTS GENERATOR (SEG). A video-mixing device that allows switching between several cameras and a variety of special effects such as dissolves, fades, inserts, wipes, etc.
STRIPE FILTER A single color camera tube where sequential stripes on the face of the tube are used to derive the red, blue, and green and luminance signals.
SWITCHER A video switching and mixing device.
SYNC Synchronization; the timing pulses that drive the TV scanning system.
SYNC GENERATOR An electronic circuit which produces the sync pulses.

TALLY LIGHT An indicator lamp on the camera which shows when recording from the camera is being done.
TAPE PATH The path of the videotape past the heads. TARGET The image forming area of the camera tube.
TEARING A picture condition when the image is displaced horizontally, usually caused by horizontal sync problems.
TE L EC IN E See Film Chain.
TERMINATION The resistance or load that must occur at the end of a video signal--usually 75 ohms.
THIRD GENERATION 2 copies removed from the
original tape.
TIGHT SHOT Close-up.
TIME BASE CORRECTOR A device that electronically corrects the mechanical and electronic errors created by a VTR,
TIME BASE STABILITY The degree of error or lack of error in sync pulse timing during VTR playback--generally caused by VTR mechanical irregularities.
TIME CODE The frame address code recorded on
TIME CODE GENERATOR An electronic device that creates a special address or time code to be recorded on the tape.
TIVICON TUBE A camera tube used for very low light shooting.
TRACKING The position of the video head over the recorded signal on the videotape.
TRINICON TUBE A Sony color tube which contains 3 color filters.
2:1 INTERLACE A method of scanning whereby both scanned fields are evenly spaced together.
TRUCK The lateral movement of the camera dolly.
UHF Ultra High Frequency; a connector used for video cables.
U-MATIC Sony trademark name which refers to the 3/4-inch videocassette format VTRs.
UNDERSCAN The display of the entire TV image on a monitor.
UNI-DIRECTIONAL A selective microphone pick-up pattern.
VARIABLE FOCAL LENGTH LENS See Zoom Lens. V-CORD II Sanyo 2-hour 1/2-inch videocassette recorder. VCR Videocassette Recorder.
VERTICAL FREQUENCY The number of vertical
fields scanned every second--60.
VERTICAL INTERVAL The time during which the VTR switches from one head to another and the picture is blanked out.
VERTICAL SYNC The sync pulses that control the
vertical scanning of the TV picture--59.94 Hz.
VHF Very High Frequency. VIDEO Picture information.
VIDEOCARTRIDGE A single reel closed loop of videotape in a self-contained plastic container.
VIDEOCASSETTE One reel of videotape and one
empty reel in a closed plastic container.
VIDEODISC Video information recorded on a large round disc.
that strengthens video signals.
VIDEO GAIN The amplitude of the video signal. VIDEO IN A video input.
VIDEO OUT A video output.
VIDICON TUBE An inexpensive and versatile elec-
tronic pickup tube used in TV cameras.
VIGNETTING An effect produced by a lens when it fails to cover completely the camera tube image area.
VOICE OVER (V0). A spoken message or narrative added to the picture.
VPR Video Production Recorder; Ampex 1-inch VTR. VU METER Volume Unit meter; measures audio levels. VTR Videotape Recorder.
WATT A unit of electrical power.
WAVEFORM MONITOR A special oscilloscope which is used to display the video signal.
WHITE BALANCE The video camera's ability to reproduce white correctly.
WHITE SET The adjustment of a color camera to
correct white reference.
WIDE ANGLE LENS A lens with a very wide angle of view.
WIPE A special effect whereby one image "pushes"
another image off the screen.
WRITING SPEED The resultant difference between the speed of the video heads and the speed of the videotape.
Y The symbol for the luminance portion of a color
ZOOM LENS A lens that is capable of varying its focal length and serving as several lenses at once.