Accessories (portapaks), 170, 171, 184186, 199, 209
AC OUT, see Cables and Connectors AC strips, see Cables and Connectors Akai, see VTRs
Alternative TV and Video, 11
Assemble Editing, 129, 142
Attitude, 27, 28, 228
Audio Adaptors, see Cables and Connectors
Audio Dubbing: R to R. 127. 169; VCR, 140,141
Audio Monitor, see Cables and Connectors
Audio Recording: R to R, 127, 169, 170; VCR, 140, 141; see also Audio Dubbing Audio Tracks, 66
Automatic Search Control, 148,153 AUX IN, see Cables and Connectors Azimuth Recording System. 67, 146
B -
Batteries, types of, 162, 163; care of, 164; charging and operation, AV-3400/ 8400, 161, VO-3800, 195, DXC-1600,
195, DXC-1610, 204, WV-3085, 180 Beam Splitter Prism, 42
Betamax, see VCRs
Beta-2, see VCRs
Black, recording of, 127, 128
BNC, see Cables and Connectors Broadcast TV, 3. 4
B & W vs. Color, 32
AC, 77, 81; Audio Adaptors, 83, 84; Audio Monitor, 82; AUX IN, 85; BNC, 79; UHF, 78, 79; LINE IN, 83; LINE OUT, 84; MIC IN. 79; Octopus, 87;
Phone. 79; plug strips. 87; RF OUT, 81; 4-PIN, 87: 8-Pin, 77; 10-Pin, 87; care of cables, 87
Cable TV, 8-11
CAMERAS: 4-tube, 41; 3-tube. 42; 2-tube, 42; Trinicon tube, 43; image dissector, 42; stripe filter, 42
Studio cameras- 30, 42-59;
Sony, AVC-3250/3260. 37: Panasonic, WV-361 P, 38-40, WV-2100/2150, 46, 47:
Philips Video, 80, 57. 58
Portable cameras-
Sony, AVC-3400, 164-172; AVC-3450, 165, 173; DXC-1600, 165, 174-175, 192-198; DXC-1610/1640/1800, 43,
202-205; BVP-330, 216; Panasonic, WV-3082, 180, 181; WV-2200, 182, 183; AK-760, 215 Hitachi, GP-5A, 212; GP-7, 213; FP-20S, 214; SK-91, 216
RCA, TK-76, 217;
lkegami, ITC-350, 215; HL-79, 217 CAMERAS: connection and operation-Sony, AVC-3250/3260, 37; AVC- 3450, 165, 173; DXC-1600, 165. 174, 175, 192-197; DXC-1610/1640, 202-205; Panasonic, WV-361P 38-40; WV-2100. 46, 47; WV-3082. 180.181
Camera adaptors: CMA-2/CMA-4. 173: CMA-5/CMA-6, 204
Camera carrying cases, see Cables and Connectors
Camera Control Units (CCUs),
44, 46-48, 194-196
Camera Connectors, see Cables and Connectors
Camera tubes: 30, 33; types of, Chalnicon, 34; Plumbicon, 34; Tivicon, 33, 34; Trinicon, 43; Vidicon. 33-35; Saticon, 34; cleaning the tube, 55, 56
Camera viewfinder adjustment, see Viewfinder adjustments
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT), 1
Capstan Drive, 64, 147
Capstan Servo. 128, 147
Carbon backed, 72
Chromium Dioxide, 72
Cleaning equipment, 215
Cleaning techniques: 216, VCR. 218; clogged heads, 218; slip rings, 217 Coax, see UHF. Cables and Connectors Color: NTSC color system, 41; color cameras, see Cameras; color process, 41; heterodyne color and direct color, 70 Color lock adjustment, 177
Color temperature, 45. 208
Color subcarrier, 70
Compatibility chart (VTRs), 101 Composite video signal. 63 Computerized editing, see Editing Control track and pulses, 64, 66 Cosmic Interference. 228, 229
DC restoration, 96
Demagnetizing the heads, 217 Direct color, 70
Dropouts, 73-75
Dropout Compensators (DOC), 74
E-Editing: R to R. 128. 129; VCR, 141-144, 201; auto controllers, 148, 153, 142-144 Educational TV, 5
EFP. see ENG
EIAJ, 15, 102, 107, 237 EJ. see ENG
ENG, 21, 187-220
Electronic stability, 186 Electronic Viewfinders, 44 Electrostatic focus. 16, 34 Erasing, 127, 128, 139
F-Ferrite, 63, 64
Flagging, see Skew Footcandle, 33
Generation, 60
Glitch, 128
Guardband, see Azimuth
Helical Scan, 60. 64
Heterodyne color process, 70 Hertz. 62
High Band, 70
High Density. see Videotape
Home Video Cameras, 44, 110, 112 Human error, 228
Image Enhancer, 44
Insert Editing, 129, 142 Integrated circuits, 35 Interchangeability, 101, 102 Interlace, see Sync
Internal Intelligence, 228 Iron oxide, 72
IVC, see VTRs
Large format, 6, 14
principles of, 50; operation, 50: types of. zoom, 50, 51. wide angle, 52; adaptors, C-mount. 51, 52; choosing a lens, 54
Lens resolution, 52: chart. 53
Lighting. 219
LINE OUT, see Cable and Connectors Low band, 70
Low impedance, see Microphones
Magnetic deflection tubes, 34 Microphones, 80
Maintenance (VTRsandVCRs).221-231 Minicams, see Cameras, portable Monitors and monitor/receivers: 31, 8998; connections, 93-95; Trinitons, 96, 97

Octopus cable, see Cables and Connectors
Oersteds of Coercivity, 72, 110 Omnivision, see Videocartridge
One line delay, see Dropout Compensators
Pay TV, 9
Philips Video, 57. 58, 80
Phone and Phono Plug, see Cables and Connectors
Plumbicon tube. see Camera tubes Portable Video Systems (portapaks): 1/2-inch R to R -
Sony AV-3400, 155-170;
Sony AV-8400S. 159-178
Panasonic NV-3085, 182, 190 3/4-inch U-Matic -
Sony VO-3800, 189-191, 196. 201; Sony VO-4800. 201
JVC CR-4400U, 205-210
Portapak precautions, 171
Power sources, see Batteries
Pre-roll, 142
Production Hints, 185, 218-220 Programmable VCRs. 112, 146 Public Access. 10, 11
Pulse Cross monitors, 97
0- Quadruplex (Quad) see VTRs
Random Access Programmers, 148 Recording. see VTR operation Recording heads, 61-67
Repair of: wire tape guides, 178, 231; cassette tape, 225, 227
Resale value, 237
RF Units and connections. 81. 82, 90, 91, 95, 138, 169
Rotary erase heads, 62
Sanyo, see VTRs and VCRs Segmented scan, 65 Selecting a dealer. 236 Selecting cameras, 59 Selecting equipment, 235, 236 Separate mesh, 34 Setting goals, 232 Servicing, 235
Signal-to-noise ratio, 71, 98
Six Pin, see Cables and Connectors Skew, 66, 124. 125 Slip rings, cleaning, 217 Slow motion video: 129, 130
Small format. 6, 7, 14
Sony, see Cameras, VCR, arid VTRs Standardization. 102 Sync, 21, 38, 65; portapak, 174
Tape, 71-75
Tape configuration, 101
Tape speed, 63
Tape winding and storage problems, 231 Ten Pin, see Cables and Connectors Tension Gauge, 227
Threading, 121, 122, 166, 167
Time BaseCorrector (TBC), 7,20,22,187 Time Code, 66
Time Code Generator, 188
Time constant, 98
Time lapse VTRs, 130
Tivicon tube, see Camera tubes Tracking, 66, 124
Transfer, 60
Trinitron, see Monitors Troubleshooting. 122, 228, 229 Troubleshooting reference chart, 229 Tuner/timers, 138, 139
TV monitors, see monitors
TV scanning process, 65, 66 "Tweeker," 98
Two-Way TV, 10
Type II. see VCRs
UHF cable, see Cables and Connectors Ultimate Video Challenge, 238
U-Matic, see VCRs
Underscan, 97
Videocartridge Recorders. 17, 108 VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDERS (VCRs): 7. 18-24;
3/4-inch U-Matic - 18, 24, 81, 107, 109 Sony, VO-2850, 19, 144; Type ll, 19, 133-141: VO-2600, 80, 133-141: VO-3800, 20, 21, 189-191; VO-4800,
201; BVU-200, 145: BVU-110. 191;
BVU-50, 192:
Panasonic, NV-9400. 211;
JVC, CR-4400U. 205-210
1/2-inch -
Betamax, 22-23.67, 110, 145-151; Beta-2, 23, 102, 109-111;
VHS, 23, 111-113, 146.147, 152, 153 VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDERS: operation and connection
studio -
Hitachi SV-340, 211
Sony, SLO-320, 149, 150: VO-2600, 80, 133-141;
recording with timer/tuner, 139; off-the-air recording. 139:
audio dubbing, 140;
Betamax, 145-151
portable -
Sony, VO-3800, 189-191
Panasonic, NV-8300/NV-8310, 152: JVC CR 4400U, 205-210;
JVC CR-4400LU, 210
Videocassette tape information, 136 Videocassette tape, care of, 75 Video chronology chart, 26 Videodiscs, 22, 24, 25, 130 Video Heads, 61-67
VIDEO IN, see Cables and Connectors Video industry, 6
Video Motion Analyzer, 130
VIDEO OUT, see Cables and Connectors Video projectors, 99, 100
Video systems, 217, 218
Videotape, 31, 71-75; care of, 75; types, 72; see tape
2-inch - 60, 102, 103;
1-inch -
IVC, 68, 69, 103, 104;
BCN, 105;
Ampex. 103, 222;
Sony, BVH-1000, BVH-500, 105, 106; 1/2-inch -
Akai, VT-300, 17; VPS-7350, 113 Sony studio VTRs. AV-3600, 71-86, 115, 118; AV-3650. 15: AV-8650, 16,
62. 64. 72. 81, 108:
Sony portable VTRs, AV-3400, 81, 156-159, 161, 162. AV-8400S, 81. 156, 159-163, 166, 174-178; Panasonic studio VTRs, NV-3020SD.
119, 120; NV-3130, 16, 107; NV-3160. 16, 72;
Panasonic portable VTRs, NV-3085. 108, 179-184;
Sanyo V-Cord 24. 109: non-EIAJ, 17:
1/4-inch -
VIDEOTAPE RECORDERS: connections and operation (R to R) studio -
Sony, AV-3600. 76, 80, 115-119; Panasonic, NV-3020SD, 119, 120 portable -
Sony, AV-3400, 157, 159, 166-170; AV-8400S, 159. 160. 166-170: 174-177;
Panasonic, NV-3085, 174-184 VTR cost comparison chart. 238 VTR idiosyncracies. 178
VTR playback adjustments, 124 VTR precautions. 120
VTR standardization, 102
Vidicon tube. see Camera tubes Viewfinder adjustments: AVC-3400,
172; AVC-3450, 173; DXC-1600, 198: WV-3082. 180
White Balance Set, 45, 197, 198 Wire tape guide repair. 178, 231

Comment To The Reader
The Video Guide is designed to anticipate the questions and needs of a broad range of video users. In order to update and improve The Video Guide in subsequent printings, any feedback regarding the usefulness of this publication is invited and welcomed by the author. Your comments can be addressed to Charles Bensinger. % Video-Info Publications.

Mail Order Information:
The Video Guide—$14.95 plus $1.50 postage.
The Home Video Handbook—$8.95 plus $1.00 postage.
The Home Video Handbook is specifically designed for users of 1/2-inch videocassette systems. Chapters cover the varieties of Beta and VHS recorders, how to purchase the best machine for your needs, the features of home and industrial VCRs and color cameras and how to use your camera and VCR to create successful videotapes.
304 pages, 220 illustrations. Revised for 1981.
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