VideoPreservation Website

ncptt cool bavc
Formats ID Homepage | Formats from 1956-70 | Formats from 1970-85 | Formats from 1985-95
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About the VideoPreservation Website

The VideoPreservation Website was conceived and constructed by conservators Timothy Vitale and Paul Messier. The project was made possible through a grant by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training and received additional support from the Bay Area Video Coalition. The authors wish to acknowledge all of the contributors to the site and especially recognize Walter Henry, creator of Conservation OnLine, and Stanford University for hosting this project.

Vitale and Messier are also the primary developers of the Albumen Photography Website dedicated to the history, science and preservation of the 19th century's most widespread photographic printing medium.

For comments and errors contact <tjvitale "at">.



©2007 Timothy Vitale and Paul Messier