BAPnet - Subject Thread Index for 1997

Last updated: Wed Sep 16 19:38:48 GMT 98
41 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • LOST IN FIRE, forwarded, Richard Boyden
  • Another Records Fire Is Revealed, Richard Boyden
  • suspension(hanging) folder, Stephanie
  • Records disaster plan, Stephanie
  • Sprinkler head failure, forwarded, Richard Boyden
  • Bay Area Preservation Network, Richard Boyden
  • SAA session on records disasters, Richard Boyden
  • Colorado Springs library disaster, forwarded, Richard Boyden
  • next meeting, status of proposal, Lynn Jones
  • Crossposting - Electronic Records in the News, LownB
  • Scheduled downtime for palimpsest (CoOL, etc)., homo obsolescensis
  • Fwd: URLs for Disaster Plans and Recovery, LownB
  • World Conference on Disaster Management, Richard Boyden
  • Disaster supplies list, forwarded, Richard Boyden
  • Kathy is toast, homo obsolescensis
  • courthouse updates, Richard Boyden
  • another courthouse bombing, forwarded, Richard Boyden
  • BAPNet meeting directions, Richard Boyden
  • BAPNet April Meeting, Richard Boyden
  • Iron Mountain Fire, Richard Boyden
  • Arson fire destroys Iron Mountain facility, Richard Boyden
  • upcoming digital program, Lynn Jones
  • new mutual response institutions, Richard Boyden
  • Forward from Janice, homo obsolescensis
  • Forward from Janice (second try), homo obsolescensis
  • BAPNet meeting plans, Richard Boyden
  • Forward from Marilyn, homo obsolescensis
  • workshop registration and flyers, Richard Boyden
  • FYI, new report on state ( MN) info policy, forwarded, Richard Boyden
  • Administrivia, homo obsolescensis

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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