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Re: suspension(hanging) folder

Stephanie there is a company called DataFile - I'm not sure if they 
are in Asia yet.

Please send me your address and I'll post you a sample of the files I 
use.  I'm sure with what I remember of Singapore (I lived in Penang 
for 2 years 1979 - 1981) printers could whip it up in no time for 

Also I use cabinets similar to the Datafile type.  I'll send you a 
picture of the cabinet with the file if you like.

Jan Murphy
Records Manager
Corporate Services
St.Vincent's Private Hospital
406 Victoria Street, DARLINGHURST NSW 2010 AUSTRALIA
Telephone:  +61 2 9332 7407
Facsimile:  +61 2 9332 7234

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