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Scheduled downtime for palimpsest (CoOL, etc).
- To: whenry@lindy.stanford.edu
- Subject: Scheduled downtime for palimpsest (CoOL, etc).
- From: homo obsolescensis <whenry@lindy.stanford.edu>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 18:09:43 -0700 (PDT)
- Cc: bap@lists.Stanford.EDU, beb1@postoffice.mail.cornell.edu, billt@sulmail.Stanford.EDU, bpg-board@SUL-Server-2.Stanford.EDU, ck@nrm.se, cstavrou@netcom.com, dawg@lindy.stanford.edu, ewilkie@ix.netcom.com, jennaic@aol.com, mksitts@cpa.org, mpiccoro@osf1.gmu.edu, nmai01.nmai-conserv.kaplan@ic.si.edu, otter@cs.com, pdverhey@mailbox.syr.edu, sarahaic@aol.com
- Message-Id: <199706260109.SAA15178@lindy.stanford.edu>
- Sender: owner-bap@lists.Stanford.EDU
Palimpsest.stanford.edu (also known as sul2 and sul-server-2) will be
offline for one day (possibly more) for scheduled maintenance (an
Operating System upgrade that will significantly improve services).
Right now, it looks like Tuesday July 1 will be the big day, but this
is subject to change.
During this time Conservation OnLine and related services such as
mailing lists and list archives will be unavailable. I am trying to
arrange for a mirror of www-cpa.stanford.edu so that it can continue
service during this work (www-clir.stanford.edu will not be affected).
The Conservation DistList will operate normally.
No mirror runs will be done during the downtime, and the Stanford
mirror will, of course, be unavailable. Mirror runs will continue at
the normal times as soon as the upgrade is complete.
Affected sites:
International Council of Museums
American Institute for Conservation
Washington Conservation Guild web development
1. If your mailing list "lives" elsewhere but is archived in CoOL, the
web archives will be rebuilt after the upgrade is done. This
may take a while, so archives may be incomplete for a few days.
Affected lists:
BookArts, Exlibris, Preservation Administration Discussion Group,
Textiles Conservation Discussion List
2. If your list is hosted by majordomo@lists.stanford.edu, the same
thing applies; your mailing list delivery will continue as normal, but
the web archives in CoOL will be unavailable and will be rebuilt as
as possible.
Affected lists:
Object Specialty Group list, Bay Area Preservation Network, AIC
Health Safety Committee, AIC Board (no archives involved, service
should be normal)
3. If your list is hosted on palimpsest itself, your mail will *not* be
delivered to the list during the downtime. However, most mailers are
set to retry delivery for one or more days, so the chances are good
that *most* messages will get through eventually. Nevertheless, you
should advise your users of the situation. If the list is archives, the
archives will be rebuilt as soon as possible.
Affected lists:
DAWG, Book and Paper Group Board, AIC Technology committee
Walter Henry
Stanford University Libraries
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