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World Conference on Disaster Management

Bob Westby forwards this from the records management listserv

From: 	Robert A. Westby <rawestby@archives.sos.state.ga.us>
Date: 	4/14/97 12:21pm
Subject: 	Fwd:  The 7th World Conference on Disaster Management

NEWS RELEASE:  Hamilton, Ontario Canada - April 9, 1997

          Disaster Management Conference in Canada

The 7th World Conference on Disaster Management will be held June
22-25 in Hamilton (Ontario) Canada.  Organized by the Canadian Centre
for Emergency Preparedness in partnership with a number of North
American public sector/non-profit agencies,   the WCDM draws over 600
delegates to hear some 50 speakers share  their real-life experiences in
emergency response management,  business continuity planning, health
care and other special issues.

In addition to pre-conference activities, a spousal program and a full
social program, there are 2 1/2 days of post-conference courses
offered by DRI Canada for the CDRP/CBCP designation), Natural
Resources Canada (Managing the Bomb Threat), Ontario Hospital
Association (Disaster Planning), Disaster Recovery Information
Exchange (Internet Security), and the Justice Insitute of B.C. (Emergency
Operations Centre and Corporate Incident Command).

Full information about the Program, and Trade Show Opportunities, is
available on the WWW at http://www.netaccess.on.ca/~ccep/wcdm/ by
email at ccep@netaccess.on.ca or by calling 1-800-965-4608.

Media Enquiries: Michael Bittle (905) 546-4444

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