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Colorado Springs library disaster, forwarded

To the BAPNet list:

This is an email account forwarded by NARA in Denver concerning the
recent library flood in Colorado Springs:

"For those of you who are interested about specifics regarding the flood
of Morgan Library at Colorado State, I went up there this past
Friday (8-1) and talked with library officials.  This is what's going on:

Late Monday night (7-28) a huge wall of water crashed through the wall
of the West side of the library building quickly flooding the basement. 
There is a hole in the wall approx 6 feet square where the water went
in.  The water in the basement reached the tops of the light fixtures that
hang from the ceiling as indicated by dirt and debris that could be seen
on the fixtures.

As of Friday 8-1 some 440,000 books (50% bound journals and 50% 
monographs) have water damage.  Efforts continue to remove the books
from the basement and into trucks to be shipped to Laramie, WY for cold
storage until they can be sent to either NY or CA for freeze drying and
other treatment.  The company Document Reprocessors, under contract
with CSU, is carrying out this work.  They are using boxes for books are
a rate of 1,000 per hour.  On Friday some 3,000 books were shipped to
Laramie and an estimated 8,000 were to be shipped on
Saturday 8/2.

For more information about damaged to the CSU Library and the rest of
campus, go to the following website:

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