PADG - Subject Thread Index for Jul 2004

Last updated: Fri Feb 06 01:18:03 GMT 2009
37 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [PADG:126] Battling the Bloom: Mold in Archives, Libraries, and Museums, Robert James
  • [PADG:125] Re: storage facility environmental conditions, Baker, Whitney S
  • [PADG:124] RE: storage facility environmental conditions, Cybulski, Walter (NIH/NLM)
  • [PADG:123] Re: storage facility environmental conditions, tracking
  • [PADG:122] Re: storage facility environmental conditions, Roberta Pilette
  • [PADG:121] Re: storage facility environmental conditions, Susan M Knoer
  • [PADG:120] Re: storage facility environmental conditions, Winston Atkins
  • [PADG:116] storage facility environmental conditions, Baker, Whitney S
  • [PADG:115] RE: Source of Book Copier or overhead scanner?, Wiseman, Christine
  • [PADG:113] Re: FW: Source of Book Copier?, Jacob Nadal
  • [PADG:111] Laser Labels - Question, Karen Brown
  • [PADG:108] Library of Congress Global Gateway: Lewis Carroll Scrapbook Now Online, Laura Gottesman
  • [PADG:107] FW: Source of Book Copier?, Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:105] Request for Proposals--Cooperative Agreements: National Digital Newspaper Program, Laura Gottesman
  • [PADG:104] Core competencies in Preservation, Karen Brown
  • [PADG:103] Staff/User Education, Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
  • [PADG:102] papermaking videos, Roberta Pilette
  • [PADG:101] Correction: Digital Imaging of Library Materials workshop, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:100] Fair Use chat today: Chronicle of Higher Ed., S. Tyra Grant
  • [PADG:99] ALCTS Membership dues, Patricia P. Selinger
  • [PADG:98] Re: Revised schedule for Library of Congress Preser vation Chat sessions, Janice Comer
  • [PADG:97] Re: Revised schedule for Library of Congress Preservation Chat sessions, Patricia P. Selinger
  • [PADG:96] papermaking videos, Roberta Pilette
  • [PADG:95] Two Digital Workshops From SOLINET, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:94] Environmental Control and Monitoring Workshop From SOLINET, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:93] Disaster Mitigation Workshop in Portland, OR, ccaha
  • [PADG:91] Job posting: Assistant Conservator,Indiana Historical Society, Douglas Sanders
  • [PADG:90] transport of rare books, Scott Devine
  • [PADG:89] Washington Preservation Initiative Library Preservation Needs Assessments - RFQQ, Gary Menges
  • [PADG:88] Fundamentals Of Book Repair Workshop From SOLINET, Riley, Alicia

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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