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[PADG:95] Two Digital Workshops From SOLINET

Spaces are available for the following SOLINET workshops (Please excuse

*****************Managing and Preserving Digital

Thursday, August 5, 2004, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

This basic workshop is designed to introduce participants to the
principles of preserving and providing access to materials in digital
formats. The workshop focuses on methods and issues in selecting,
accessioning, providing reference for, and preserving materials in
electronic form. The workshop is intended for archivists and those who
have a good understanding of archival principles and techniques, but
need basic training in how to apply the principles to records in
electronic form. Instructor is Thomas J. Ruller, Supervisor of Data
Processing, New York State Education Department.

Cost is $155, SOLINET members, all membership categories, ($145 early
bird, $175 late registration), $215 affiliate members, ($205 early bird,
$235 late registration). Any institution within Tennessee qualifies for
the member rate.

*************Digital Imaging of Library Materials*****************

Wednesday, August 25, 2004, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL from

This two-day hands-on workshop is designed for individuals with little
to no experience with digitization. Participants will gain practical
experience scanning and editing image files, and will receive an
introduction to the issues surrounding small to mid-sized library
imaging projects. 

Topics covered include: equipment requirements for library digitization
projects, equipment calibration, the difference between digital imaging
and optical character recognition, the "scan once" methodology, file
types and compression, basic scanner operation, basic image adjustment
and manipulation using Adobe Photoshop, OCR, terminology used in
digitization projects, preservation of digital masters, file naming, and
storage media. The instructor for this workshop is Steve Smith,
Preservation Librarian, Wellesley College.

Cost is $175 SOLINET members ($165 early bird, $195 late registration),
$215 Non-members ($205 early bird, $235 late registration). Any
institution in Florida qualifies for the member rate.

For more information or to register, contact Vanessa Richardson at
800-999-8558, vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx> or visit our website at
www.solinet.net for full descriptions and online registration.
These workshops are funded in part by a grant from the National
Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Preservation and Access.

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