PADG - Subject Thread Index for 07 2009

Last updated: Fri Jul 17 20:28:11 GMT 2009
29 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [padg] Iowa flood recovery blog, Kraft, Nancy E
  • [padg] NEDCC Announces Appointment of New Executive Director, Julie Martin
  • [padg] Follow-up from Book and Paper Interest Group, Beth Doyle
  • [padg] IMLS Preservation Administration Fellowship, efrangakis
  • [padg] Re: IMLS Preservation Administration Fellowship, Shelby Sanett
  • [padg] Announcement of upcoming book and paper symposium, Nicole Hayes
  • [padg] Denver AV Media Preservation Program Extended Registration Deadline!, Andrews, Kim
  • [padg] Dymo Labelmakers, Albert Joy
  • [padg] ALCTS 101 at ALA Headquarters----not McCormick Center, Ryder, Rebecca
  • [padg] PAIG correction: Friday, July 10, Nadal, Jake
  • [padg] Digital Library Hardware Showcase Program & LITA Digital Library Technology Interest Group, Grant, Tyra
  • [padg] Seats Available - Two Upcoming Preservation Classes, Alicia Riley
  • [padg] PAIG Agenda: Friday, 11 July, 1:30 at Hilton Northwest 2, Nadal, Jake
  • [padg] [ARL-ANNOUNCE] Expert Panel to Speak about Transformative Issues for Special Collections at July 7 Web Conference, tgrant
  • [padg] ALA program on Managing Preservation Without a Preservation Librarian, Donia Conn
  • [padg] Volunteer Needed for Promoting Preservation Chair, Adrienne Bell
  • [padg] 2-day Photo ID and Preservation Program in September - Register now!, Andrews, Kim
  • [padg] Re: Digital Conversion IG Announcement: Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Update (In training off-site July 6-10), Ann Seibert
  • [padg] Digital Conversion IG Announcement: Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Update, Stephanie A. Lamson
  • [padg] AUTO: Richard Feinberg is out of the office (returning Mon 07/06/2009), rfeinberg
  • [padg] Preservation articles needed for LRTS, carignan
  • [padg] Seats Still Available for Amigos Online Training, Rebecca Elder
  • [padg] CALRBS last minute openings for Preservation Stewardship, California Rare Book School
  • [padg] Book and Paper Interest Group, Molly McIlhon
  • [padg] FW: Newspaper Interest Group - Chicago 2009, Martyniak, Cathleen L

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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