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[padg] Iowa flood recovery blog

Dear colleagues:


From discussions with many of you, I believe that it is extremely unusual for a Preservation Department to be a part of a disaster from beginning to end – evacuation, assessment, response, recovery. I decided that the best way to share this unique learning experience is through the UI Preservation Department’s blog “Preservation Beat.”


Since our lab work is our first priority, the conversion of our log to blog goes in fits and starts. We may add several entries in one day and then go several days before adding more. We may discover weeks later that we missed an entry and post a really old entry.


There is a link to many of our PowerPoints and videos.


Feel free to make a comment. The comments don’t get posted until we read them. That means you can point out a  correction or ask a question which we can address without publishing the comment. Of course, you can always make a “praise” or a “consider this” comment for publication.


Any ideas for additional stories would be most appreciated. Let us know what you would like to hear.




Feel free to use our blog for the classroom, training, and outreach. All we ask is that you credit our blog!





Nancy E. Kraft
University of Iowa Libraries
100 Main Library
Iowa City, IA   52242-1420
319/335-5286  FAX 319/335-5900
email: nancy-e-kraft@xxxxxxxxx





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