PADG - Subject Thread Index for Aug 2004

Last updated: Fri Feb 06 01:20:16 GMT 2009
43 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [PADG:172] Hurricane Preparedness Workshop From SOLINET, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:171] Registration opens September 1 for the November 1-5 Digital Preservation Workshop at Cornell, Ellie Buckley
  • [PADG:170] What's New @ ERPANET, Italian.Editor@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [PADG:169] Position at Notre Dame: Head of Preservation Department, ldube
  • [PADG:168] SOLINET Fall Web-based Workshops, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:167] Archives Preservation: Holdings Maintenance Workshop From SOLINET, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:166], Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:165] Job posting: Preservation Librarian, Rice University, Alice J. Rhoades
  • [PADG:164] Re: Permanent bookplates, Brian Baird
  • [PADG:161] Unsubscribe, Jay Clevenger
  • [PADG:160] Re: permanent bookplates, Carli, Alice
  • [PADG:158] Re: permanent bookplates, Frost, Gary
  • [PADG:155] News from UT Austin, Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
  • [PADG:154] Fall 2004 Workshop Listing From SOLINET, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:153] NEDCC fall workshops, Susie Wilson
  • [PADG:152] Permanent bookplates, Sharon Connell
  • [PADG:151] FW: Microfiche as Hazardous Material, Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:150] FW: Microfiche as Hazardous Material, Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:148] PQTDG--ALA Annual 2004 summary, Beth Doyle
  • [PADG:147] FW: Microfiche as Hazardous Material, Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:146] FW: Microfiche as Hazardous Material, Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:145] Disaster Preparedness Workshop From SOLINET, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:144] Preservation I, E, and O DG report, jennifer hain teper
  • [PADG:142] MicrofilmDigitization, marialk
  • [PADG:141] RE:, McCargar, Vicky
  • [PADG:140] RE:, Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:136] Re: Climate Control Systems, Cybulski, Walter (NIH/NLM)
  • [PADG:133] Climate Control Systems, Mary Ellen Starmer
  • [PADG:131] single rolls Clysar, Frost, Gary
  • [PADG:128] PARS Committees, Joan Gatewood
  • [PADG:127] ALA Copyright Service, Tom Teper

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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