PADG - Subject Thread Index for Nov 2007

Last updated: Fri Feb 06 03:36:07 GMT 2009
33 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [padg] California preservation assessment of A/V recordings, Barclay Ogden
  • [padg] Open Call For Award Nominations, cwilt
  • [padg] NEDCC questionnaire on statewide preservation, Angelina Altobellis
  • [padg] Librarian Position at the National Library of Medicine, Dugan, Mary Kate (NIH/NLM) [E]
  • [padg] does the cockroach win??, Cathleen Martyniak
  • [padg] Exhibitions Program Registration Deadline Extended to November 26!, Andrews, Kim
  • [padg] Preservation video from University of Florida, Cathleen Martyniak
  • [padg] Digital Library Technologies Interest Group: ALA Midwinter, Grant, Tyra
  • [padg] Yale University Library - RFI for moving library collections, Tara Kennedy
  • [padg] Banks/Harris Award--Call for Nominations, Ryder, Rebecca
  • [padg] Forward: LC Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, Grant, Tyra
  • [padg] Preservation Internship at The University of Chicago, Sherry Byrne
  • Re: [padg] Poster Sessions at PADG: Midwinter 2008, Doris Hamburg
  • [padg] Addressing the Uncertain Future of Preserving the Past, Holly Robertson
  • [padg], Carla Montori
  • [padg] Create High Impact Exhibitions and Case Design!, Andrews, Kim
  • [padg] Steve P. Anderson/AOC/MDCOURTS is out of the office., Steve . Anderson
  • [padg] Don't Miss Out on SOLINET's New and Upcoming Class Offerings!, Riley, Alicia
  • [padg] There are still seats available in the SOLINET class, Managing and Preserving Digital Materials, McClurken, Kara

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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