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Re: [padg] Poster Sessions at PADG: Midwinter 2008

I will be away from the National Archives through November 16, and will
not have access to email during this period.

Ann Seibert will be Acting Director, Preservation Programs,  Please
contact her at ann.seibert@xxxxxxxx   301-837-1567

If there is a records emergency, please contact NARA security at
301-837-2900.  Security will contact the Records Emergency (Beeper)
Response Team.

Doris A. Hamburg
Director, Preservation Programs
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, Maryland 20740
telephone 301-837-1785
cell 240-338-9121
fax 301-837-3701

>>> padg 11/09/07 16:22 >>>

Hello PADG Members!

We are seeking posters for the Preservation Administration Discussion 
Group at the ALA Midwinter Conference in Philadelphia.

This year PADG will meet on Saturday, January 12, 2008 from 9:00 AM
PM and we've dedicated a half hour from 10:15-10:45 for a poster
If you have research or project reports that you would like to share
your colleagues, please email Tara (tara.d.kennedy@xxxxxxxx) and Jake 
(jacobnadal@xxxxxxxx) for all the details about format and setup. 

The poster session is a great time to present your work and connect with

colleagues. Students are encouraged to submit research projects.

--Tara and Jake 
Co-chairs, Preservation Administration Discussion Group

Tara D. Kennedy
Preservation Field Services Librarian
Yale University, Sterling Memorial Library
tara.d.kennedy@xxxxxxxx | (203) 432-4335)

Jacob Nadal
Preservation Field Service Librarian
The New York Public Library
jacobnadal@xxxxxxxx | (212) 930-0741

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