PADG - Subject Thread Index for Feb 2003

Last updated: Fri Feb 06 00:43:01 GMT 2009
33 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [PADG:1946] shrink wrap machines, Patricia P. Selinger
  • [PADG:1945] Myth, Patricia P. Selinger
  • [PADG:1944] ERPANET Workshop Bern: Programme released, Italian.Editor@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [PADG:1942] New: Online-Newsletter, Cord Brune
  • [PADG:1941] disaster plans for depositories, Janet Gertz
  • [PADG:1940] Remote Dataloggers, Winston Atkins
  • [PADG:1939] Audio Preservation Symposium - Austin, Texas, Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
  • [PADG:1938] Preservation Filed Services Officer, Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:1937] opening shrink-wrapped books, Andrew Hart
  • [PADG:1936] Abbey Newsletter, Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa
  • [PADG:1935], Davis, Betty Jean
  • [PADG:1931] RE: condition surveys, Drewes, Jeanne
  • [PADG:1930] Photographic Memory: Preserving Our Photograph Collections, Robert James
  • [PADG:1928] condition surveys, Ed Rosenfeld
  • [PADG:1926] Position announcement, University of Virginia, Edward Gaynor
  • [PADG:1925] shrink wrap, Meg Brown
  • [PADG:1923] opening shrink-wrapped books, Andrew Hart
  • [PADG:1921] NAS Sackler Colloquium on Scientific Examination of Art: Modern Techniques in Conservation and Analysis, Miriam Glaser Heston
  • [PADG:1920] a death: Dean Richard Darling, Wes Boomgaarden
  • [PADG:1919], Riley, Alicia
  • [PADG:1918] Preservation: Issues and Planning (the Banks-Pilette book), Robin Dale
  • [PADG:1917] Banks & Pilette Preservation manual, Steve D. Smith
  • [PADG:1915] Re: Teaching Preservation - Course book question, Andrea Rolich
  • [PADG:1914] DIGITAL PRESERVATION Workshop, Riley, Alicia

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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