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[PADG:1918] Preservation: Issues and Planning (the Banks-Pilette book)

Steve's quick message has stolen my thunder, but yes, the book will again
be available.  For those of you interested, please read on...

For the past several days, I've been in further contact with the people at
ALA Editions.  In particular, Catherine English, the new Marketing Manager
for ALA Editions, and Patrick Hogan have been quite informative and
forthcoming about plans for the book.  As Steve's message indicated, the
outpouring of support from preservation administrators and library school
faculty was a deciding factor in ALA's decision regarding any re-release
for the book [initial decision was made at ALA!].  From Patrick:

"We have been impressed by the support in the field, especially among
LIS instructors, for the Banks/Pilette Preservation, which we had
decided to let go out of print..."

He went on to inform me that indeed, ALA had decided to  re-issue the book
though the choice of reprint versus print-on-demand had yet to be decided.
Clearly a major factor in the decision would be anticipated sales.  Thanks
to the information so many people emailed to me, I was able to provide him
with some figures that would assist with sales projections.

Today, I received the final word from Catherine English.  Preservation:
Issues and Planning will be **reprinted.**  The anticipated demand was
great enough to warrant a full reprinting rather than small groups of
print-on-demand.  The message also contained further surprising news:

"You'll be pleased to know that we have opted to reprint this title,
and we all also bringing down the retail cost on this item to make
it more affordable for students.  The title should be available in
approximately 3-4 weeks; I will contact you to let you know when it
will be available from our warehouse."

The additional surprise of lower retail cost should be heartening for
instructors and for those who wished to purchase a personal copy but had
not yet done so. The original $80 price was more than many could afford.
While the new price is not yet set, more information about the price, ISBN,
and customer service number will be available soon.  I'll post a brief
message containing the information when it is available.

Thanks again to all of those involved.  Whether you wrote a letter (thanks
to Beth Doyle's campaign!) or contacted me to let me know how you use the
book, please know that **your involvement made a difference.**


Robin L. Dale
RLG Member Programs & Initiatives
1200 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA  94041-1100  USA

Ph: +1 (650) 691-2238
Fax:  +1 650.964.0943
Email: Robin.Dale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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