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Re: [ARSCLIST] Computer choice and pricing (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Preservation media WAS: Cataloguing still :-))

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
> steven c wrote:
> > Well, personally, the ready availability of "not quite new" Wintel
> > machines at affordable prices has so far kept me in that "camp."
> > 
> > We "po' fo'kses" have to buy what's cheap (in many areas!) rather
> > than what might be best...
> CompUSA here (Los Angeles) is selling a capable HP Wintel computer for 
> $100 after rebates. Brand new and, while low end today, it would have 
> been state of the art a couple of years ago.
> No OS listed, but not likely to be XP at that price. <G>
Probably because it doesn't include an O/S (or a monitor?). I'd also
assume it uses an AMD processor...probably low-end. It would still be
a little better than my machine...but not a lot better; when I bought
mine for Cdn$139, I also bought an 80GB drive for another $79. When
I get a bit richer (turn 65 and collect pensions) I can upgrade to
a Pentium 4 and 250GB HD...by then that'll be around $250 total (and
might include whatever Windows version is current as well).

Funny thing is, I have...in the same room...an 80286 machine that
cost me five bucks at a yard sale, complete with dBASE III+, Lotus 2.4
and WordPefect 5.1...which still keeps track of a particular database
for me (and could type a simple document if I wanted?)!

The more things change...

Steven C. Barr

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