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Re: [ARSCLIST] Preservation media WAS: Cataloguing still :-)

I am not sure, I hit send too quickly. I use Protools and Peak which are either Fraunhofer or LAME encoders... and I use the slowest conversion and the highest bit rate the client's delivery method will allow for.

For my personal use (listening copies on iPod) I use Apple's AAC or M4a encoding, and am happy with it - far happier than in the cassette-for-the-car days!


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Sep 3, 2006, at 11:30 AM, Mike Richter wrote:

i believe none edit native mp3 format. it has to go back to linear PCM (be de-coded), edited, then *re-encoded*.
you'd be better to work at 16/44 linear PCM at all times...
Some do minimal editing - splitting and joining files, for example - without recoding. However, any substantial changes, even taking out one click, will require recoding and the attendant losses.

I'm not sure what Lou Judson was planning to write about the Fraunhofer codec, but let me note my experience. It is the most conservative of those I know, rolling off high frequencies explicitly so that the inaccuracies and artifacts are not reproduced and exacerbated. As a result, it is the least harmful on recoding.

Other compressors I have tested appear to have better high-end response but at the cost of artifacts and inaccurate reproduction after the Fraunhofer's cutoff.

There is no free lunch.

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