PADG - Subject Thread Index for Jun 2008

Last updated: Fri Feb 06 04:20:23 GMT 2009
52 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [padg] [Fwd: Fw: RE: Preservation Funding], Andrew Hart
  • [padg] FW: ALA Annual Conference 2008: Archiving in Practice with JPEG2000 (Sunday, 8am to 10am), David Lowe
  • [padg] Agenda: Intellectual Access Interest Group, Grant, Tyra
  • [padg] Reminder to participe in an online survey on letterpress copying books, beth
  • [padg] Action! Setting Preservation Priorities and Ensuring Access to Your Moving Image Collections, Jennifer Hain Teper
  • [padg] Register Now for Fundamentals of Book Repair, Riley, Alicia
  • [padg] Seats still available in Upcoming SOLINET Fundamentals of Book Repair Class, Leming, Jessica
  • [padg] AV Media Preservation Program - Registration Deadline Approaching, Andrews, Kim
  • [padg] Spaces still available in online classes on photographic preservation and scrapbooks, Leming, Jessica
  • [padg] Need a Preservation Professional? No Problem!, Rachel Hoff
  • [padg] [Fwd: [alctsbd] FW: [alacoun-ro] [alacoun] Letter for Preservation], Andrew Hart
  • [padg] ALA PARS Recording Media Discussion Group, Stephanie A. Lamson
  • [padg] Technician Position open at NARA/NPRC St. Louis, sara.holmes
  • [padg] flooding, Frost, Gary
  • [padg] Flooding in Iowa -- personal story continuation, Kraft, Nancy E
  • [padg] Columbia AV survey tool now available, Janet Gertz
  • [padg] Video Round Table/ACRL Media Resources DG program at Annual: the death of VHS?, M. Claire Stewart
  • [padg] Fw: Update on Midwest Flooding, Patricia E Selinger/FS/VCU
  • [padg] Flooding in Iowa -- personal story, Kraft, Nancy E
  • [padg] PARS restructuring proposal, Andrew Hart
  • [padg] Endowed Preservation position, Barbara B. Eden
  • [padg] PEIODG Agenda - Anaheim '08, Adrienne Bell
  • [padg] Re: Reminder to register for upcoming IFLA PAC Pre-conference Aug 6-8 (Out of office - June 13-23), Ann Seibert
  • [padg] Reminder to register for upcoming IFLA PAC Pre-conference Aug 6-8, Jeanne Drewes
  • [padg] Steve P. Anderson/AOC/MDCOURTS is out of the office., Steve . Anderson
  • [padg] PADG agenda, Kennedy, Tara
  • [padg] Open Seats Available for Two Preservation Distance Ed Classes!, Riley, Alicia
  • [padg] Curators and Conservators DG @ ALA, Donia Conn
  • [padg] Digitially printed materials survey, D NISHIMURA
  • [padg] Request for participation in an online survey on letterpress copying books, beth
  • [padg] Collections Storage Conference, September 2008 - Register now!, Andrews, Kim
  • [padg] New Name for PADG?, Kennedy, Tara
  • [padg] FW: At ALA on June 29: Topics in European Studies 1:30 - 3:30, Schnare, Robert, CIV, NAVWARCOL
  • [padg] PARS Program at ALA -- P(l)anning for Gold: Preservation Models in California and the West, Karen Mokrzycki
  • [padg] Re: technician positions at Library of Congress-- Binding and Collections Care, Doris Hamburg
  • [padg] technician positions at Library of Congress-- Binding and Collections Care, Jeanne Drewes
  • [padg] Re: Joint Session Agenda: Library Binding Discussion Group and Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group, Susan Wrynn
  • [padg] Joint Session Agenda: Library Binding Discussion Group and Physical Quality and Treatment Discussion Group, Molly McIlhon
  • [padg] Position at The University of Chicago Library, Sherry Byrne
  • [padg] digital preservation interest group agenda, Cathleen Martyniak
  • [padg] PARS Recording Media Discussion Group, Stephanie A. Lamson
  • [padg] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION DigCCurr 2009: Digital Curation Practice, Promise and Prospects, Rachael Clemens
  • [padg] [Fwd: [digipres] iPRES 2008 Call for Papers - Final Reminder], Andrew Hart
  • [padg] position posting Library of Congress- Preservation Directorate, Jeanne Drewes
  • [padg] AV Media Preservation Program - Stipend Deadline Approaching, Andrews, Kim

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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