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[padg] [Fwd: Fw: RE: Preservation Funding]

The ALA Washington Office needs examples of the impact of 2007 grants from the NEH Division of Preservation and Access to illustrate the consequence of a deep budget cut under consideration (see below). Please help by sending your ideas either directly to Emily Sheketoff <esheketoff@xxxxxxxxxxx> or to me by email. Or, if you are attending the ALA Annual conference this weekend, talk with a member of the PARS Executive Committee (Andy Hart, Walter Cybulski, Jean Ann Croft, Nancy Kraft, Karen Brown, Kate Contakos). Shortly after the conference PARS will send to the Washington Office all of the examples we are able to gather.


Andrew Hart, Chair
ALCTS Preservation and Reformatting Section

Andrew Hart
Preservation Librarian
CB#3910, Davis Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Tel. 919-962-8047
Fax 919-962-4450

*---------- Original Message -----------* From: "Emily Sheketoff" <esheketoff@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: "Charles Wilt" <cwilt@xxxxxxx>, "Pamela Bluh" <pbluh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:31:35 -0400 Subject: Preservation Funding

> In the Interior Subcommittee Appropriations mark up, NEH's Division of Preservation and Access got cut $4.5 million from the President's request, which means a 50% in that division.
> > We are trying to get the funding restored.
> > We need examples of 2007 grants and the impact that grant funding has on real people. For example, with the current floods, what does having items from your collections preserved mean to your communities?
> > We need ammunition for these conversations. Can anyone help with photos, stories or hard information? We know nothing about 2007 grants and we know nothing about impact of these grants.
> > Please respond to esheketoff@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:alawash.orgmanderson@xxxxxxxxxxx> or manderson@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:manderson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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