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[padg] PEIODG Agenda - Anaheim '08

The Preservation Education, Instruction, and Outreach Discussion Group will be meeting on Saturday, June 28th from 4:00 to 5:30 at the Anaheim Hilton, in the La Jolla Room.  For this meeting, we will have a presentation by Richenda Brim, Head of Collection Maintenance at the Research Library, Getty Research Institute, on the mission and history of the LAPNet, the Los Angeles Preservation Network.  Following this presentation, I would like to open the floor to participants to discuss outreach efforts currently in place at their institutions as well as brainstorm to come up with new approaches or perspectives in preservation outreach.  The meeting will adjourn with a brief update on the advances made towards gathering new data for the Preservation Education Directory.


I hope to see many of you there!



Adrienne Bell, chair PEIODG



"A book gives you a sense of accomplishment, a sense of belonging to the world you just inhabited, a sense of possibility. Endless possibility. No wonder they scare the hell out of some people. Books are powerful things. Within their ideas hide the keys to the future. Ban them at your own risk." Greg Moody

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