PADG - Subject Thread Index for Nov 1998

Last updated: Thu Feb 05 22:32:43 GMT 2009
28 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • searching bags, Karen Brown
  • Stack maintenance <fwd>, Yvonne A. Carignan
  • [CONF] Collecting and Safeguarding Oral Traditions (1999: Thailand), Terry Kuny
  • Special Collections move, Janice C Mohlhenrich
  • Intellectual Freedom statements, Barbara Berger
  • interest in hard copy, ERIC C CAREN
  • LC National Digital Library Program announces release of scanning contract documents, Tamara Swora
  • No Subject, Manning Ralph
  • position filled: Dartmouth College, Barbara Sagraves
  • storage of microfilms, Abbey Publications
  • French library fiasco, PROF ROBERT SCHNARE
  • FW: Protocols regarding food and drink in rare books and manuscri pts collections, Paulson, Barbara
  • storage of silver, diazo, and vesicular microforms, Wes Boomgaarden
  • RE: Roaches in books, Taverner,E
  • Archival appraisal of AV, Nancy Marrelli
  • Prepared plastic sheeting for disaster response, Normandy Helmer
  • BookLab website, Craig Jensen

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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