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[CONF] Collecting and Safeguarding Oral Traditions (1999: Thailand)


Organized as a Satellite Meeting of the General Conference of the
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

August 16-19, 1999
Khon Kaen, Thailand

A 4-day Conference will be held on the theme of 
"Collecting and Safeguarding Oral Traditions" in 
Khon Kaen, Northeastern Thailand, from 16-19 August 1999.  
This Conference is open to all with an interest in the
preservation of oral traditions.

Within the context of the UNESCO "Memory of the World" 
Program, the Conference will deal with various aspects 
of collecting and safeguarding oral heritage, including 
the socio-cultural context; collection methodologies and 
selection criteria; care, handling, storage and preservation 
issues; and technical matters.  Included in the Conference
will be an excursion to the Research Institute of Northeastern Arts and
Culture and the Sirindhorn Isan Information Center (Mahasarakham
University, Thailand), an academic resource centre with comprehensive
information related to all aspects of northeastern Thai cultures.

The Seminar venue will be the Khon Kaen Sofitel Hotel.  Special rates have
been arranged, beginning with US$45 per night.  There are frequent flights
between Khon Kaen and Bangkok.

This Conference was originally planned as part of the series of biennial
Pre-Session Seminars for developing countries, held under the auspices of
the IFLA Professional Board.  In 1999 it will be organized as a Satellite
Meeting.  Procedures for registration, including the registration fee for
this event will be announced early in 1999.

Participants attending this Conference may wish to attend the 65th IFLA
Council and General Conference in Bangkok from 20-28 August, 1999.

Subsidies for travel and registration will be available to a limited number
of candidates from the developing world.  They will be selected from the
nominations already presented earlier in 1998 for the originally planned
Pre-Session Seminar.  Funding will be made available from UNESCO, DANIDA,
the IFLA ALP Core Programme and the IFLA PAC Core Programme (South East
Asia and the Pacific).

Additional information may be obtained from IFLA Headquarters or from the
Chairperson of the Satellite Meeting Planning Committee.

IFLA Headquarters
P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague
Netherlands Canada
tel. +31 70 3140884
fax. +31 70 3834827
email:  ifla@xxxxxxxx

Ralph W. Manning
National Library of Canada
Ottawa K1A 0N
tel. 613 943-85704
fax. 613 947-2916
email:  ralph.manning@xxxxxxxxxx

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