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[frameconnews] Re: Tape; Responsibility

James said:

> The "I want it cheap" mindset is not uncommon among customers.  But do
> customers know the consequences?  I guess not, and I consider it my
> responsibility to inform them.   If the choice is, "Do you want the $1.00
> mount or the $2.00 mount?", most would choose the cheaper.  But if the
> choice is, "Do you want to jeopardize your art with the $1.00 mount, or
> assure its value with the $2.00 mount?, the answer may be quite different.

Indeed my customers do know that there is a difference in quality between
P90 and Japanese paper hinges.

Are you suggesting that it only costs $2.00 to use Japanese paper hinges?
Wow! It takes me an extra 15 minutes and I could not do it for $2.

I guess the other thing we have to take in to consideration is the value of
the artwork. Unfortunately most of the work I do is not all that valuable,
so I guess that could be why most people will not pay the extra for Japanese
paper hinges.

I also believe that "responsibility"  has recently been quite often dumped
in the lap of undeserving people by the legal profession. It just seems too
easy these days to blame someone else! No-one wants to take responsibility
for their actions.

If a framer has explained all the pitfalls of a certain process or material
used in a frame and the customer decides against taking this advice, then
morally, the responsibility belongs with the customer. I realize that the
legal people can and do turn this common sense approach upside down!


Ormond Williams  C.P.F.

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