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[frameconnews] Re: Tapes

Mary Evans said...

>...A lot of correspondents in this
> group appear to be interested in education and would probably agree that
> most framers do not cook their own paste.   I doubt is this is purely lack
> of education, but also a question of time (and therefore also cost) and
> inconvenience....

I am sure you are correct -- that most framers do not cook their own paste.

As to the reason -- I prefer to hope it *is* a lack of education.  If they
really do know how and why hand-torn, Japanese paper hinges and
freshly-cooked, pure starch paste should be used, and then choose to use
lesser products, that represents a disregard for the quality of their work,
and a disservice to customers.  As a framer, I hope that is not so.   My
personal experience is that framers have good intentions, but they believe
the advertising they see daily; some makers and distributors claim their
pressure-sensitive tapes are equal in "archival quality" to starch
paste/Japanese paper hinges.  Framers are misled by sources of information
they have come to respect.

I believe most framers would agree that a small savings of time and
inconvenience would be poor excuses for using products that might
potentially ruin an item of significant value.  If only they were aware...

James Miller, CPF, GAFP Committee Member
Suburban central Ohio, USA


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