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[frameconnews] On behalf of Pete Bingham, GCF

Dear Damelio
Your problem with Japanese kerchiefs is not an unfamiliar one -
I tackle it on a regular basis, so I hope my suggestions are
some help to you.
Firstly, I would not use any method that involved sticking them
down; that is usually a recipe for disaster and I would avoid it
at all costs. Having said that, you also ask what the most
suitable acid free glue is; my choice would be a synthetic wheat
starch paste substitute that I know as `Cellofas', if that means
nothing to you contact me again and I'll try and get a more
definitive name for it.

First prepare a sandwich of 5 mm foam board with regular
mountboard stuck to one surface. The foam board will take up the
depth of the staples that I suggest you use, and the mountboard
will gibe it the grip. To mount this type of subject down
without wrinkles and without sticking down I would use a
physical stretching procedure, using staples from a staple gun
and working as close to the edge as possible. Square the silks
up as neatly as possible working carefully one corner at a time
and fix them in place with staples. Draw lines on the backing
board all the way round the outside of the work so that you have
something to work to. You will find that the wrinkles will
disappear as you stretch the material. Cover the staples with a
cut mount and frame as normal.


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